Venting Thread (Don't break the rules tho, keep it civil and shit this isn't a place to be all like "hey this guy on the forums really pisses me off" it should be about other shit)

I mean I’ll most likely kill myself before even reaching adulthood because I dont want to go get any job which I can actually get with a low education level and my friends will most likely be at university doing something they enjoy.

while I’ll be here.
playing one game and losing touch with all human contact with them as they’re too busy.

lowest possible grade

I’m used to a b c d f

so e is like a f?

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Wait let’s talk about this

Why did we skip the letter E in grades

F means you fucked up and gotta start again over here.

all because I was an edgy fuck who would outburst and say really offensive shit while acting like an alcoholic in grade 9.

swiftly end me

hell. I cant even trust myself with a partner if I end up like this.

I’ll probably just end up fucking that up too.

(my guess would be hitting her due to my anger issues)

I’m just fucked.

all because one year of my life went to shit.

this is the kind of talk where people disappear

What do you actually mean by this

not really

like there’s another year

next year is a very important year as I wrote about it above.

just read everything for full context.

As a worker. you are a puppet to your boss.

as a boss. you are a puppet to other companies and the government.

as the government you are a puppet to other governments.

and as a student. you are a puppet to the department of education.
they do not treat you like a human.
they just treat you like another soul.

That’s how jobs work and the society right? Imagine if that wasn’t the case.

Just imagine if the government just stopped and jobs stopped

I mean. it’s just all over considering next year decides whether I’m kicked out of school or not.

this year lead it to the shitter


which doesnt work.

it’s just a depressing fate firekitten.


Pug imagine NO gocerment

The worst that can happen is you being kicked out right

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I think it becomes feudalism then? (Don’t quote me)

Communism don’t have a government ree

the world would be even more fucked.