Venting Thread (Don't break the rules tho, keep it civil and shit this isn't a place to be all like "hey this guy on the forums really pisses me off" it should be about other shit)

91% introvert 89% Intuit :frowning:


I like doing those tests for fun seeing some memes and etc but have seen that people wrote books and stuff on it is a little too far

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what d&d alignment are you tho

from what I remember. I landed my ass in neutral good

Chaotic not good

chaotic neutral is best alignment

True neutral all the way


I think I was Lawful Good? Or Lawful Neutral.

Link me to this… test?

ok chaotic evil

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100 in prospecting but no chaotic

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marl is neutral evil

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I was Chaotic Neutral

Only messed things up

Still sad about that

When I had to restart, I rolled True Neut

I’m very lawful
The prospecting is what prevents me from going zealot mode

also I just set my ringtone to a megalovania edit of a iphone ringtone

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even tho i have a samsung

My ringtone should be unrefined FE7 music

Android > iOS

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set it to tidus laugh