Venting Thread (Don't break the rules tho, keep it civil and shit this isn't a place to be all like "hey this guy on the forums really pisses me off" it should be about other shit)

Did you actually not get any sleep

That’s one part of the problem


I mean I tried sleeping a few hours ago but the thoughts of how school next year would be fucky fucked with me.

Didn’t expect to find a fellow intp there

also it’s not my fault I was training agility and thieving in osrs

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(the heck in an intp when it’s at home)

I dont even know what I am.

I’ve taken that test but still.

forgot what I got.

also I’ve definitely changed from that

imma go take that test again.

taking dumb tests can genuinely be really fun.


Or you can just read about cognitive functions and decide your type for yourself

holy shit I think I’ve complained enough about how sensitive my heart seems as of right now.

but I want to do so again

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holy shit its painful

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I wish I could contact my crush right now tbh.

I used to have so much fun just talking to her.
now I cant even do that.

So uh, I took the test

Apparently I’m ISFJ-T?

Half the internet is intp


100% prospecting now bow to me

Damn, nice to know I’m judgmental and sensitive at the same time, as well as a turbulent human being.

I had like 90 % intuition

Oof, 93% turbulent

That’s probably not a good sign

We have like same functions but in different order

test gave me INFP-A

many no nos in the description