Venting Thread (Don't break the rules tho, keep it civil and shit this isn't a place to be all like "hey this guy on the forums really pisses me off" it should be about other shit)

Bring me there pls

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I play those often.

I’m a Lawful Good Rouge :thinking:

Enemy of true freedom spotted

Oathbreakers, vote of the crown or vote of vengeance?

lawful evil paladins could very possibly be an interesting result.

may i say that

As long as the crown isn’t corrupt, it’s good

deus vult time biches

I’m a true neutral human wizard

All crowns are corrupt

Oh yes.

I go chaotic neutral as rogue but okay

Explain the Good King in Throne of Lies :thinking:

I had a LE cleric of the life once
Still miss him

I am chaotic neutral priest

what race y’all

He is just aligned with the status quo

I usually tiefling

The one character I had was a snake lady, I’m mostly likely the most squid like race in the game

dog dancing we no speak americano