Venting Thread (Don't break the rules tho, keep it civil and shit this isn't a place to be all like "hey this guy on the forums really pisses me off" it should be about other shit)

From a sound of my past dnd characters:

  • golden shining halfling from dandwiki
  • small-sized mutant pixie
  • half-tiefling cyborg
  • deer satyr
  • cursed halfling

None of them were joke characters

Incubus obvs

hjasik no.

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I play as the skeleton race


I play a Lawful Good Ranger/Rogue in one of my campaigns

Also a Neutral Good Lich Sorcerer

I play with the most crazy shit I can find if I don’t have concepts in head

I’ve only played one campaign

GMing is ass

and I did it in that campaign

its spent an entire year to start a new campaign

I have a bard as being the leader of a thieves guild as a DMPC
Ngnl I love the guy

I’ve got no one to play with so I just don’t play

My Ranger/Rogue is the son of the King in the campaign I’m in

I only got this privilege due to the fact that the King is my old PC from the last campaign

Forum dnd so we can all select to sacrifice hja characters when someone makes a fucked up prophecy or ritual

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Why u do this to me

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I’ll gladly forum d&d

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who’s a GM.

I’m only gming as last resort.

actually I’ll GM.

imma go post up thread.



Everyone be nice to GM Pug :slight_smile:

Will u link it here

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