Venting Thread (Don't break the rules tho, keep it civil and shit this isn't a place to be all like "hey this guy on the forums really pisses me off" it should be about other shit)

I think my college doesn’t? college in the Uk is different in america (You don’t have dorms there).

I’m pretty sure we don’t have a therapist but I can ask after all we did have one in my secondary school.

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Mine does. Like housing for students. Drexel has plenty but I live off campus cause it cheaper

yea Uk schooling system is a lot different

We have both college and uni.

College is for students 16+ but I’m pretty sure you have to be 18+ to do university

Secondary school is like high school but ends at 16, but you can do sixthform until 18, or you can go to college (Like me) if you want to focus on one subject instead of multiple

It’s really different for some reason, our system is just strange and complicated.

college can be for adults (people in 30’s 40’s ect.) so can uni

In Scotland, depending on if you have around 4~ highers at the time you can leave highschool at fourth year (Which is around 15 years old) and have the option to go straight to University as long as your highers you have are sufficient.

Otherwise you go to College to gain the highers you’d need to go to Uni.

Might be an SQA thing only though.

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What the fuck
Is it the ones that get a degree
At fucking 20 years old?
What the fuck

Diploma or Degree?

i could also go to college if i had a ged and i did good on their entry tests

Shucks on you Im apparently already in an institution that’s categorized as a university
Even if I never knew it was this whole entire time

so theoretically i could get a bachelor’s degree at late 20 or early 21

What the fuck

The earliest I can get a damned Bachelor’s is at age 27 and thats if I go to a 4 year course

I’m getting a damned Diploma

Hs grads usually graduate high school at 18 abd college (if it’s a 4 year) at 22

i don’t get education so don’t take my word for it

I guess you can call my polytechnic college then…
Age 19 graduation…

2 years of army service :3

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yes america is grad from high school at 17/18/19, then college

good advice is to not take the recommendation of a high school drop out ;p

Oh no I graduate from high school at 16
I’m mopping up my college studies right about now.

lol wut thats sophmore year in america.

only halfway

Yo dude we have differentiation and integration drilled into our heads at age 16 and tested on the GCSE O Level Papers kappa

Also all the asian parent jokes are true to a certain extent
And the asian kid jokes

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I personally graduated from high school at 17 and were I not attending a uni that starts in hecking October would have started uni at 17, but this is slightly unusual


Quite a lot of ppl cried because they got lower scores than “expected”
I’m not even talking about C6s too. It’s like the A2s

Don’t mind me, I coasted into a course already, I dont even have to care about my results too…

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