Venting Thread (Don't break the rules tho, keep it civil and shit this isn't a place to be all like "hey this guy on the forums really pisses me off" it should be about other shit)

Then stop that how dare you

What’s wrong with that


Ok boomer

Just vomited in a restaurant.

I consumed beef stew and my body decided to give it back to the bowh


I guess even your body realized that you were too poor for that

don’t you love living enough with a narc and just a really vain person at the point your humor go instable that you can’t discuss anything for over a minute without screaming and crying afterwards


I’m so used to taking slander and not being able to say shit about it that I’m discharging at people who are innocent
like that oooold comic where the boss screams with the man, the man screams with the wife and etc
it is scaringly accurate because when I was a kid I kept taunting my beloved dog
I’m tired of being my father’s expiatory goat

This makes me feel bad

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actually fuck the first two months of the year on FM sites with admins that don’t play FM


just found out my grandma is in the hospital
i’ll elaborate more later but fuck cancerTM


so i have a friend that lives in texas and a tornado recently ripped through there and a couple of his neighbors and a little kid he knew died and idk how to console him


Just be there for him. You can’t do much more than showing him he has a good friend who can help to not think about it.


I was about to say “but you live in Texas” and then I realized

Anyways, yeah I wouldn’t say there’s much more you can do than what Priestess said. Solid advice.


Also what those 2 said

Do friend things and maybe just be sure to make sure they feel fine but not focus on the bad stuff unless they bring it up or y’all have that kind of relationship

thx for the advice guys, i’ll try to cheer him up

since when did i say that i live in texas tho lol


Alright… If I go overboard with this, I’m sorry. I just really need to get something off my chest.

So… here goes nothing… inhales

My teeth have been fucking killing me and it keeps on getting worse no matter what kind of crap I do even though it looked like things were getting better with the last fucking dentist appointment and even though I took ibuprofen, I’m still in a shit ton of pain and it’s late at night, so I can’t go to the fucking dentist! One of my closest and dearest family members is on the brink of death and it’s turned into this period of waiting until the dreaded time arrives and I’d have to go to his funeral shortly after. On top of that, I thought I didn’t have assignments to do for an online class this week, but I fucking found out now that I have to do some stupid journal entry shit which has a shit ton of sections to it, so I have to get it done in only a couple of fucking days!

Everything’s piling up on me and I don’t know how much more I can fucking take! I’m in physical and mental pain and yet I have to get shit done as if I’m perfectly fine because that’s how the cookie fucking crumbles!

I want to cry, I want to be human and have emotions, but it always feels like I’m not allowed to have that because I’m so used to focusing on other people’s problems because of mine because they always seemed more important……

I just want everything to slow down. If I need to go through this shit, I want to take it one problem at a time, not go through everything at once… I don’t know if I can even do much right now… I’m just not motivated anymore because of all the shit I need to deal with…


Ok Squid I hope this helps but

Focus on yourself and your own needs. It may seem like others are more important but you come first, especially when you’re dealing with all the stuff you mentioned. Taking care of yourself and your feelings is the first step here.

Secondly, I don’t know if this will work for you but when I get really stressed out and it seems I won’t be able everything done, making a simple to do list seems to work really well for me. It gives me a moment to gather and organize my priorities and thoughts

i hope this helped

Also, with your teeth, you mentioned going for the dentist.

What did they say? Did they prescribe anything?