Venting Thread (Don't break the rules tho, keep it civil and shit this isn't a place to be all like "hey this guy on the forums really pisses me off" it should be about other shit)

They did fill in a cavity and there was a chance I was grinding, so they gave me some sort of temporary mouth guard which was uh… only useable for a week

Did it help? Can you get another?

I think so? I don’t know where I can get one

I don’t have a good answer for that tbh

There’s a bunch on amazon, and I’m assuming CVS or Walgreens carries them too. Teeth grinding is often related to stress, so this may also go down once you get through the problems you’re facing right now.

I know this doesn’t sound good advice, but let yourself cry. I know it feels like your not allowed to have these emotions or show signs of the stress you’re under. It’s good to talk to people about these things, but if you aren’t comfortable with that what often helps me is to sit and let all my emotions out before starting to work through them. Then you can get to the solving problems part.

I’m sorry that you have to go through this. I know we don’t know each other, but if you need to vent or just someone to talk to you can pm me.

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I did grind my teeth a lot, but I can safely say that grinding occurences only happen in terms of how stressed you are. (At the very least, that’s how it went for me. Apparently I was making so much noise at night while I was sleeping… but that’s another story.)

I’d like to add on that Darth is correct, and there are various ways to let off steam. In which, find the one that helps the most in giving you a sense of calmness. Be it screaming your lungs out in the neighbourhood, smashing furiously on a keypad, or dashing through the neighbourhood like a madman, these can help ease stress from situations out of your control.

And finally, there is one alien factor. I don’t know about you, but there is one thing I know for myself. As my family says, “Life is unfair.”

Now it’s unusual to say this when I’m supposed to be cheering someone, but I don’t want to skin the truth. Personally, my studies weren’t amazing. I’ve been failing quite badly for the late few years. Until the break, that is.

But even through this unfairness, the only constant is you. It hurts moving through thorns, it hurts getting thrown under the bus, it hurts walking under acid rain. It hurts seeing that the path in front is bleak, dark and potentially dangerous.

But, the beauty of every single person is that they move forward. Despite all those challenges, despite falling along the way, the true beauty of every single one of us is shown when we get up.

We can’t physically be there for you (for now, no money), but we can share our thoughts here. And all you need to know, is at least there is someone out there believing in you.

And finally, it may feel tough at times, but a person carrying burden by themselves will eventually buckle. But through sharing, you can feel stronger. How much stronger? It’s arbituary, you may say, but I say, don’t underestimate the power of faith in yourself.

It’s not a crime to share onto others the feelings and burden that has been piling up. No matter how shameful one is, someone will always try to help you.

Keep moving onward, and be beautiful the way you are, Squid.


Well robotics was fucky

First off the entire regional league is openly anti-austin(my league) which is sucky because you get ref and team bias(teams told us they wouldn’t pick us because we were from Austin)

So we ended up not advancing because of a bullshit lack of a penalty and then the opposing team stormed the field and pushed me around and I had a panic attack and threw up in the bathroom

Fun times

hope ya feel better and hope they give ya a fair shot sometime

tfw even texas hates texas


fuck snow to be honest


Dude hard relate

I’ma be biking home at like 2AM in this

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I just walked home and I could barely see let alone move forward without falling face first

Move to Texas nerd lul

idk I kind of feel like there are a couple minor ways in which that could go slightly badly for me

you know

just a couple


Ah yes


yee haw

Cars are slipping all over the place this is madness

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I’ve seen snow once in my life, and that was on top of a mountain, ten years ago.

I’ve seen proper snow once in my life, and that was on top of a mountain, ten years ago.

I’ve seen too much snow in my life, take me away.

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