Venting Thread (Don't break the rules tho, keep it civil and shit this isn't a place to be all like "hey this guy on the forums really pisses me off" it should be about other shit)

I say that then I’m begging for cooler weather in the summer

Where I live, it’s usually 11°C to 40°C in Summer.

Laughs in 25°C to 34°C all year long with some rainy seasons and no natural disasters besides “ankle deep flooding”

I have no natural disasters, period.

New Zealand has cases of Earthquakes! Aha!
(Even if they’re not as frequent as Japan it still counts)

That’s a good 4,163 kilometers

Oh that’s the Australia flag

Good I’m learning

The last I checked Australia was a meme for burning, flooding and droughts at the same time throughout the countru

That all happened at least 20 minutes from my house.

I mean search on google got me this


It’s your country my man

I mean, coronavirus

Aight time to be a conspiracist

It’s all a cover up dude, corona? What’s that? I only heard of the TikTok virus

Also coronavirus is NOT a natural disaster. It’s an epidemic, not caused by nature but by human stupidity

Change my mind

coronavirus has natural roots but humans spread it
so its a mix of both

Cries in Denial
No no no no!



this is only the first stage of grief


Next comes ANGER


this can be taken in a lewd way


Someone ate a bat

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My sister theorized that the lab in the Wuhan province leaked the virus.
It’s potentially what caused it as well, not just the illegal markets.

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I was going to go and eat out with friends, but ever since I woke up, my left leg has pain shooting through it to the point where it’s difficult to walk normally

That’s just one problem in a really bad day for me rn, but that’s the problem I’m the most worried about