Venting Thread (Don't break the rules tho, keep it civil and shit this isn't a place to be all like "hey this guy on the forums really pisses me off" it should be about other shit)

I need to yell into a void



Well things are just getting better and better ahhhhhhh. Idk what to do


popped a zit like 20 minutes ago

did not realize that I had blood streaming down my face and now on my pillow, neck, and shirt

fun times


Hugs DatBird.

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Oh construction, thou art a heartless bish.


Ten more days until I can go to barber.

I feel like Rapunzel.



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Can I just ask why the fuck God and his friends all the way up top decided to make my most defining characteristic being Judgemental? Like god damn

I fucking love being an asshole, and then having to hide that shit from literally everyone because I want to have friends and family that like having me around

I know school and all the fucking shows you watch tell you “Just accept/love yourself” Who in their right god damn mind would fucking want to embrace being an asshole; and better yet, who in their right fucking mind would want to associate to a guy that’s gonna remember the times they fucked up and have a lesser view on them for being human and fucking up

Because we all know as humans people fuck up, including myself, and thanks to you spending the most time with yourself, you can imagine how much I like myself

So now I’m not just an asshole that has shit views on people, I’m an asshole with shit views on everyone, including myself

Not even mentioning the amount of shit I’ve bottled up seems to love to take it’s toll on me at night

fuck me


I feel like this is the kind of thing psychiatrists would be helpful for, considering you’re clearly very self-aware and seem to want to improve this one aspect of yourself and that’s something they help people do full-time


this sounds… like a completely normal thing? First step has to be to learn to accept yourself, and your own mistakes. Then you can learn to accept others as well.

That’s a typical view, but it’s plain wrong. Everyone has so many positive sides, you won’t believe it. You are worth to be loved. Others are worth to be loved. Making mistakes does not change this at all. They are all wonderful beings.


FUCK ladders

the ups! the downs! you can never tell whats next!!

How about elevators?

Elevators are on a more steady course.
Ladders can hurt you with negligence.
I suppose elevators could as well but that’s like… hard

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Do the Tom Cruise thing where you hang onto the bottom of the elevator.

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AAAAAAA why are my parents so fricking dumb?!?


Like, they’re almost completely computer illiterate but somehow think they know everything better than me. (Spoiler Alert: They don’t)

And I’ve been studying IT for multiple years.

And they keep trying to correct me even though I’m not fricking doing anything wrong.

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Give us the latest example.

how to fix your problem
tell them that you’re tired of it given that you have tons of experience in the topic

if you haven’t told them directly, they won’t magically fix their behavior