The problem is that that doesn’t help.
life bad
if u ever need to vent dm me
Scream irl. I dare you.
is everything alright
I laid awake for like 4 hours, getting increasingly infuriated and my inability to timewarp into the future.
I slept for about 2 hours tonight and don’t think I’m going to get any more.
I hate almost everything right now.
Especially birds. Those pesky birds. Sorry DatBirb.
So no, everything is not alright.
no worries, hope ya get some sleep soon
Someone thinks it’s funny to knock our bins over.
I hope you get corona.
*and stay away from other people
I’m defaming them by not giving their name and hoping the guilt catches them
And I hope corona catches their breath too
If this isn’t one of the most passive-aggressive guilt infusing messages you have ever seen I don’t know what to say
hey whoever knocked those bins over
fuck you
if you ever catch them in the act
tell them I specifically said fuck you
I may or may not have the culprit’s exact name within 5m
Name defamation is now an option
:^) -> :^(
:^( + <3 = :^)
:^( + :^) = :^(