Venting Thread (Don't break the rules tho, keep it civil and shit this isn't a place to be all like "hey this guy on the forums really pisses me off" it should be about other shit)

This talk reminded my of my professor
Now I’m missing him aw

just want to say.

the reason why I’m very salty is due to lots of pent up anger from 5 years that I havent let out.

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Was his name John Jackson?

memeing is a massive way to distract me from my hurt state


The amount of nihilistic memes out there is immense, so it doesn’t really surprise me.

well. my hearts doing the stupid shit again

i just cant help but punch at it so i can possibly lessen the pain

I mean the constant closeness of the boundaries on my end is another thing.

in places that aren’t here. I pass the forum boundaries really far.

I used to be very angery and stuff, basically the same
Now it is very rare for me to get stressed over someone else unless my family comes here

the only way I can get stressed over someone else is when they’re pissing me off.

or. I dont need to say this other one… it’s very guessable

also why do I want to host forum family feud just so i can be steve harvey

update: I asked marl in dms. also I’ll finally finish that sans harvey edit if this is the case.


I perceived that I went on stress mode when people didn’t respect me
Getting away from everyone I knew helped it
Obviously I’m not telling you to do so

Mbti memes

get outta here intp-a scum

anyway. thanks everyone

I feel less awful now.

How u know wtf

just realised it’s 5am.

oh boy. cant wait until my parents see me awake.

I might just not sleep tonight.

You posted an INTP link here once
The A was a guess for the joke to work because I can’t offend my own type :’)

it’s not worth sleeping into my afternoon