sheepherd druid laughs
Bruh you’ve got two years left
You’re damn close
Definitely finish it out.
Trust me on this - you don’t need to go to college to be happy, but a high school diploma is pretty much required for anything above minimum wage. You’re going to be much better off in the long run, in my opinion, keeping your head down and working for another 5 semesters. You’ve already done at least 19, so you’re definitely capable of these last few. Again, join a sport if you can, but definitely go through at least this much.
Glad you’re feeling better, Pug
Reach to us when you need help, okay?
just make sure to send your credit card info so we can help you
My Landlord: “Oh hey I know your apartment caught on fire, but we might have a place opening up tuesday if you give us a call then. Plus, we we’ll refund you your rent for december”
Them, on tuesday “Oh uh, call back thursday, maybe we’ll hear something then”
Them, today “Actually we already moved someone into that apartment so you’re out of luck, plus we’re no longer going to refund you your rent for december because you were Technically in the apartment for 9 days of december.”
well fuck me i guess
what a load of ass
(insert the same meme i sent you earlier :p)
So pissed rn
I’m acheing, and my flight got changed, so now I’m on a different flight then my family
Ashe this is SFW forum
I’m stuck in a pediatrics waiting room where my appointment was supposed to be 8 minutes ago and I feel so awkward cause I’m a legal adult, but it’s a follow-up appointment so that doesn’t matter for some reason
fucking weddings that drag on for far too long
now everybody is telling me to dance to shitty 80s songs literally as I type this, and the one sane person at the party (who is drunk ,by the by) is currently in a taxi.
The only legally sober person is slightly tipsy and is also my mother, and thus criminally embarrassing.
am I in the Bad Place?
You are officially in the bad place Ici
Im watching Football, so
i’m slightly exxagerating here, my family is generally wonderful
but tiredness + shitty 80s song
Do as I do
leave without saying anything (if needed context, go to the bathroom)
find up the loniest place there is, usually the back of someplace else under the courtains
use your cellphone to death there.
no joke whenever I’m in a party I bring in a purse just to carry those items:
- cellphone
- cellphone charger
- a book
- a second book just in case I end up reading all the first book
Most important item
dont @ me.
ah, but what you’re forgetting is:
- i’ve already done this but i am cursed to be in a room with no curtains. I came so prepared that I brought a laptop
- the music is so loud I can still hear it no matter what
- my parents actually keep track of me
- aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
I came equipped with a laptop, a charger, a book, a deck of cards and patience