Venting Thread (Don't break the rules tho, keep it civil and shit this isn't a place to be all like "hey this guy on the forums really pisses me off" it should be about other shit)

No I’m venting about my dislike of people’s anime girl profile pics

That’s on-topic

This is the venting thread not the PFP thread.

I’m mad that y’all are talking about PFP here and I’m venting my anger out here.

I take it you don’t like Shurian then?

I’m surprised noone posted a pic of a ventilation unit yet

offending Reaper is asking for death on my bare hands :^}

Sorry, did it sound like I don’t like those people?

whoops not what I meant

I’m venting what some call “love” rn


Vent on :3

Edited for clarity

My pfp is h cuz it’s like death note, get it?

Barbara Streisand

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Are you ok hjasik

Not really

Ok sorry for the spam :frowning:

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You are not forgiven

Why are you not ok

Low effort and late but on context OC

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