Venting Thread (Don't break the rules tho, keep it civil and shit this isn't a place to be all like "hey this guy on the forums really pisses me off" it should be about other shit)

Also @Reaper how did you spawn here

I was seeing feedback posts as usual cause I like to see crazy ideas
Then I realized there is an off topic thread and started lurking
Then I saw my dearest friend saying she was useless and somehow it ended up with me posting a bot placing a sign saying no anime pfp allowed in a vent thread

To not go off topic I wanna say I am anxious and sad

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Why are you anxious and sad :frowning:

I think I am starting to think too much about things again

hugs deeply


Fucking feel that

Protip, if you’re gonna develop a crush on a co-worker

Don’t make it the one you sit next to on the daily

When it all falls apart (like I imagine it’s going to) it’s gonna make work life hell




Do you not like me? D:

Character is my own created character


even worse

Whaaaaa : (
I designed them with my own two hands


@orangeandblack5 I had an anime boy as my pfp for a bit even though I’m a woman, is that any different? :thinking:

Not really it’s just less common

Keep in mind that none of this is bad lol

I just don’t get it at all

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Same with changing profile pictures decently often

Like why lol

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Have you ever tried creating a persona?
A character that represents you? Or just a fake character in general for stories/art/etc?

Also some might like the character in their profile pic for whatever reasons. (To me its inspiration, design, character development etc) Others might just think they’re cute ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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Change in taste happens. For example, when the official art for the Salsa vs Guac Splatfest came up, I knew I wanted to use it as my pfp as I loved the way Pearl look in that pic

I’ve had an orange and black yin-yang since 2012 or something

It has been changed once to update the picture to a higher resolution and make it look significantly better

That is it lol

It is my character

It is also just me with an image instead of a face

I never understood changing that all the time


You should become yellowandblack5

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Also why is your username Orangeandblack5 and not just orangeandblack

It’s “orangeandblack5”, lowercase “o”

Also there’s a story behind this

Let me see if I’ve told it on this site before

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