Venting Thread (Don't break the rules tho, keep it civil and shit this isn't a place to be all like "hey this guy on the forums really pisses me off" it should be about other shit)

Like plz get some food in ya. Its really not good to do that

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For reals?

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I’m actually being legit. I admitted it to my mother and there’s a chance that I might have to go back onto anxiety meds

Not rowing lightweight, no reason not to eat

But also like what does eating have to do with people

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I have to go outside to have a meal since I’m living in a dorm with a meal plan and all

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Oh yeah I forgot

Why would eating food be bad at a place where literally everybody is there to eat food

This is why I hate my growing fear of people cause faulty logic wins over basic needs more often than they should

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Might be worth trying whatever school psychological services are provided before medication in that case

You doing anything outside of class?

Unfortunately not. Well, besides surfing the internet and being in Discord RPs that is

Honestly I recommend it, find a group of people on campus with people who have similar interests its surprising what kind of clubs they have at some colleges, like I have a board game group. My campus also for instance has a Jedi club where they go around and have competitive light saber clubs its weird but it makes people happy that are apart of it

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Like I said to Geyde

Definitely do something outside of just classes (and preferrably something that you need to work for)

College classes can suck and be a lot of work - it’s really not good to only focus on classes.

A job, being on an intramural sports team, or being a part of some other student org is definitely the way to go.

Might be a tad late, what with finals starting in like a week - but if nothing else, that’s even more reason to be sure you’re eating well now!

Ensure you’re getting plenty of sleep too. Sleep is really undervalued. Be sure to get at least seven, preferably eight or more hours a night, especially leading into finals.


Some personal tale to incentive, maybe
At first when I tried to approach my MtG/RPG/general-nerdness group I was very shy and particularly did it at a day when I was feeling bold.
However now I totally regret… Not having joined it earlier. I feel like a sinner whenever I was not studying to pass by the friendly local game store, but none’s scary at all.
I particularly only go there when I’m with a friend as well because I still have a hard time socializing, so entering with someone when you are entering something new could help.


I plotted out some time each day to work out / hike.


That’s amazing Geyde

Now comes the hard part of any workout routine

Sticking to it :wink:

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So hey remember how I said that my week was going well

A giant fuck-off wasp has decided to take up residency in my kitchen and I’m too scared to confront it

All I’ve had to eat today is an Easter egg

Send help

You don’t actually have to confront it.
Just know it’s location, take the food, and gun it

Bit hard when you have to actually prepare the food though

What are you going to be eating?