[VFM] A Hat in Time Cop13er - Town Wins!

Also when Alice and Wazza altogether seems weirdly pressed on TMI, it’s because TMI is what a wolf does.

What do you mean they are weirdly pressed on TMI?

Wait a second. Psyx do you see somebody having too much information for their own good? :eyes:

Oh, I was referring if somebody thinks Wazza and Alice mentioning TMI every 30 posts is weird and then I’m saying that’s not weird because it’s a valid strategy to scumread.

Psyx, to be honest I don’t know, who you are as a werewolf or as a townie but I believe your ISO doesn’t contain any unreasonable pushes because you’ve explained it and also asked some questions for verifications, I’d expect a wolf to just jump to a conclusion and then just go for it.

So for now I’m willing to believe ya and Marl.

Gunna be honest I’m not really comfortable poking around Vulgard atm as he’s Alice’s n0

But if it helps I can see your thought process quite clearly and I appreciate that, morl


What the FUCK

Your pfp matches the moment.


No it doesn’t

/vote pigeon @EliThePsycho @Arctic

This is probably the worst slot by far now.

Pigeon I’m mentioning you. Come do your pop in now. :joy_cat:

Why’d you post that screenshot of the CTRL+F of “N0”? Did that mean to go in scumchat as you guys were trying to figure out cop? :joy_cat:

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Sho would just be like “Your calculations are garbage, Zeptogram!”

This isn’t a reason and Alice isn’t the cop

Cream, I feel weird when you reach a conclusion and don’t try to verify anything about it.

Are ya able to tell me why pigeon weirds you out?

For me, I don’t know how to read pigeon, I’m very oppressed to take any word against or with pigeon because he constantly gets misread and that makes me distance myself from reading them.

I already know who the cop is and it isn’t Alice, and they are checking Alice tonight

lmao i had this same exact thought but i think his point was more of “Centuries said to not discuss n0s early, then Vulgard proceeded to do exactly that”

good to know we had the same original thought tho image

Yeah welcome to cop13er

this is why this setup sucks

There’s no one we can associate with Ruri, right? Do you think it’s better to go for a 50/50 instead of a slot we can get more info from?

Pigeon/Silviu - I haven’t taken a closer look at this slot but I think they’re with Ruri as LHF. (Silviu seems to have more posts than Pigeon?)
Appel - While I was writing my previous wallpost I mentioned liking some of her posts, but when I took a quick look she had less posts than I initially thought. I don’t want her lynched today tho.
Centuries - scummyyyyyyyy let’s lynch him

(Sidenote: do you think we should apply Nyann’s mantra here or not? hahahha)

The entire second point of my case was Alice is a likely partner because of her n0