[VFM] A Hat in Time Cop13er - Town Wins!

Someone with a townread on Silviu, tell me why I might be wrong.

Hmm, you sound tonally angry and calm when responding to LiLi.

Anyways, how did you have such motivation to read and post? :smiley:

Hello, I acknowledge your presence

Hellooo cream, I mean at first I wasnā€™t sure what to expect at first so I just gave my thoughts on every single line and then it kicked off where it was wrong.

I donā€™t like the reason why youā€™re voting me at all. And I swear I really dislike when people pretend they know me when they donā€™t know what Iā€™m trying to do, please donā€™t do that

Andā€¦ why do you think this way? I feel itā€™s pretty contradictory somebody seeing that when Iā€™m literally comparing myself to the said debate enemy

I donā€™t want my presence acknowledged I want takes on my Vulgard read

If youā€™re confused about something just spit it out, just do it


Voted Voters Count
Silviu Centuries, Alice, Cream 3/7
Centuries Psyx, Silviu 2/7
Chloe Wazza, Appelsiini 2/7
Pigeon Chloe 1/7
Alice Pigeon 1/7
Vulgard Marl 1/7
Ruri Vulgard 1/7
Not voting Ruri, LiL 2

Ping Arctic and Eli if there are any errors.

What do you mean
Iā€™m not confused Iā€™m confident and I want other peopleā€™s thoughts

Not you, Marl a

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lol wait I missed a few posts of yours in the middle

let me reread

Iā€™m sorry, Marl, I donā€™t know what opinions to give here because this all looks from your subjective perspective and I didnā€™t even tries to understand Vulgardā€™s posting once.

Heyyy youā€™re alive too. I havenā€™t gotten around to seeing your posts yet.

A chunk of my wallpost was about you :eyes:

Tonally angry and calm?? How can both be present at the same time lol

I guess itā€™s to stick to what Iā€™ve signed-up for, I guess. I donā€™t want to have a reputation of bailing out just because of the overwhelming amount of posts. Osie was not joking when he called the players in this site spambots. :eyes:

Oh, ok. Thanks~ I was thinking that you just jumped to a conclusion and refuse to see where Iā€™m going with my original thought process.

Iā€¦uhhā€¦am still at post 1161 but Iā€™m already sick of reading. @Marluxion @Silviu200530 @Cream letā€™s talk?

Iā€™m not sure, but you sound frustrated that she confuses you and you try your best to stay calm while you put your questions, hah

Who are you guys okay with yeeting today?

Psyx, Iā€™m really thinking that Cent being very understanding at the beginning and then being very harsh and superficial about 0-posters at the moments looks very very bad, do you think this could come from town.

Iā€™m starting to think that Iā€™m just impulsively voting them because of a mindset they have rather than an agenda theyā€™re pulling.

Nah, I was defo more frustrated with Centuries. Lissiā€™s had some good posts (we had a mindmeld when it comes to Zone initially) but others were just weird. Idk how I should feel about her right now.

:thinking: When was he being very understanding towards the 0-posters? I only remember him being hedge-y towards Vulg and Pigeon.