[VFM] A Hat in Time Cop13er - Town Wins!

Here we go again

Says the one who doesn’t backread. :eye: :eye:

Oh my god, you can’t just throw random things because you thought about it for 1 second straight

always does it
as town
he didn’t as a wolf

I feel this

Oau, she really doesn’t give you any impression because you don’t see her interact? :eye:

/vote Wazza @EliThePsycho

Lili actually does stuff even if is appears to be minor

I need more from Chloe
I need to know who she thinks is a wolf

I mean Chloe looks like her usual self :joy: Do you see anything from her?

I still think Phraze is a villager as someone who’s have had experience with her. Would rather chop Wazza or Silviu today as at least Cent’s doing something.

A replacement is required. Do not discuss the nature of replacements.


ooo let me just replace in despite the fact I’m already in the game

How about threatening Cent so we can see him go turbo style with solving

Oh also good morning, I feel you didn’t sleep alot :eyes:

would you mind going further in depth because i don’t want to accept ‘alice godread go brrrr’ as reasoning


Voted Voters Count
Wazza Chloe, Alice, Ruri, Marluxion 4/6
Ruri Vulgard, Centuries 2/6
Centuries Psyx 1/6
Silviu Wazza 1/6
Not voting Apelsin, Lil, Silviu 3

Ping Arctic and Eli if there are any errors.

okay let’s not

i love that you’re consistent with this

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Alice godread go brr.

To be succint? It’s more that her wolfgame’s fairly weak and she’s extremely hesitant to give out reads due to struggling w/TMI when wolfing. I don’t think she approaches SoD like this as a wolf.

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I’ve seen you usually trying to give tips n’ tricks at the beginning of Day 1. For some reason we are still in Day 1 :joy:, so I was wondering if you are able to tell me why you think it’s Vul/Ruri/Alice.

Why are you saying I’m wolf if you are also saying I’m a potato. I’d think wolf =/= potato because one’s lazy to solve and one already knows the answers :zzz:

Oh also, I want you to tell me why you think 0-posters during half of a day are suspicious to ya, still even after they’ve came and tried to do anything by posting?