[VFM] A Hat in Time Cop13er - Town Wins!

Alice/Silviu W/W?

Like thereā€™s both that distinct gap between your SOD1 and EOD1 read wise and then you go back to SOD (more like first 36hrs tbh) type reads and it just reads as you trying to chain me now lmfao


Feels more like youā€™re trying to move around thread to your advantage than you solving

Like itā€™s genuinely

Silviu is wolfy
Then you call Pigeon much wolfier (when in hindsight Iā€™d still say that the gap between that game and the last game was big enough not to warrant such policy)
So now youā€™re back to Silviu

And Iā€™d be frankly more worried if Silviu was a wolf than him being a villager there because if heā€™s a wolf here I think thereā€™s quite a large case to be built with how youā€™re playing around my slot here

Genuinely reads to me as a weak game if youā€™re not a wolf here

This read is BS and I hope youā€™re not putting all your eggs in this being real

Like you genuinely saw me in that mash rename myself to ā€œWolfside or GTFOā€ and then proceed to get really angry at teammates that were trying to bus one another and now youā€™re going

ā€œoh yes but itā€™s fol people like to push one another as wolfā€

and it strikes me as frankly

either extremely wolfy agenda, or just not good solving

youā€™re not solving around me

my slot*

like youā€™re looking at the entire website to project a read onto me

Not really?

I currently have a PoE of you/Wazza/Phraze/Silviu/Appel.

Much of your late D1 was just voteparking him before he posted, and then a non-stop back-and-forth with Silviu without bothering to hard-push him at all and ignoring everything else in the game.

Itā€™s like youā€™re playing to make you look non-W/W with Silviu rather than actually trying to lynch W!Silviu.

Itā€™s Silviu. Dude doesnā€™t play the game and just fills the thread with fluff.

This is the kind of player that never endgames and would probably just be best jettisoned ASAP.


have you read my champs game?

Because every damn game on this site itā€™s just distancing, distancing, and distancing?

Plus, my point IRT your treatment of Silviu and the rest of the thread still stands.

the SF not qual

And how many games have I played on here this year?


Again, weā€™re dealing with Silviu here, not someone whoā€™s a Champs semifinalist.

Iā€™d bus him stat were he wolfing with me.

PJO and Ciconia, but Iā€™ve spectated Gold Rush and others.

No, me.

Iā€™ve genuinely not played here

Why are you trying to apply the siteā€™s global meta on someone who doesnā€™t play on here even

The point about your narrow focus on Silviu and the fact that you started your push on him before he even posted still stands.

Iā€™m not going to talk about the site meta anymore as itā€™s a monumental waste of my time.

And so is your whole case on me lmfao

Current PoE for me.

Had Appel/Wazza not W/W as a comment that Wazza made towards Appel doesnā€™t really seem like itā€™s something that a wolf makes to another, tbfh.

Phraze/Silviu are still meh as they have literally no meaningful interactions.

Game-stateā€™s still kinda sucky as it feels like the optimal move here is to keep going through the potatoes until Appel/Wazz/Centuries/Phraze? become more solvable.