[VFM] A Hat in Time Cop13er - Town Wins!

i didnt reread anything

Interesting kill


Imma take a nap then re-read things with flips in mind

Someone find her n0 pls

i had a single thought

alice preflipping people this hard at eod kinda wolfy

silviu picked up 0 interest it’s a wolf im telling y’all

Also gg Cream

Hope you had fun in your first FoL game o7
Was nice to play with you

who is it chloe

damn just realized cream wanted to cfd to me rofl

thats kinda crazy

Wait im her n0 :wowee:

I guess i gotta kick it into high gear today then

But ok

despite the fact cream was obviously killed for probably cop/just being town shit i cant help but think im going to get pushed because that’s how people are worldbuilding here

chloe i cant help but think you’d do this whole “oh who is cream’s n0 o_O” “oh its me I gotta play better!!” thing as a wolf

I probably would

I think i even wrote it in my notes but im on mobile so cant check em easily

But wolves have to kill me eventually now so who cares

Now bye napze time

hard predicting that alice is going to push chloe for that and its somehow going to be V/V or some shit

What a waste.

n1 - Chloe.

Pointless peek because she just got SHC’d.








Centuries is dropping quite hard as I don’t really see much solving from him since his FPS attempt at the SoD1, tbh.

In retrospect I think I’ll move LiLi up a tier.

At first her EoD felt a bit TMI-y towards pigeon but with how she just voted him at the end it doesn’t really sounds like something a wolf would do as ideally they’d stay off a ML wagon’s lynch as by the time she place her vote it was basically guaranteed that we’d have chopped the pigeon.

Wazza unvoting and not voting anyone at the EoD’s pretty bad, tbfh.

With how wolves play on this site I wouldn’t be surprised if Centuries/Silviu are W/W and spent much of their time just theater-ing, tbfh.

Silviu can get got and Centuries’ solving has taken a huge-ass decline, tbfh.