[VFM] A Hat in Time Cop13er - Town Wins!

Pushing me for no access to the site is a very poor reason, and maybe an attempt to look TWTBAW. In Marl’s wolf game, he tried to derp the setup.

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W!Marl’s basically a wet noodle while here’s kind of the opposite now lol.

I think he’s just villaging.

I agree with this fwiw

I think it’s entirely NAI and reading into it as anything more is a huge stretch

it isnt necessarily wolfy of marl tho
just false

FTR, Marl in Deck Mafia shot me right when I was catching up to him lol.

Oh, and @Marluxion 's a jerk for n1’ing me in Ciconia and dayvigging me SoD2 in Deck Mafia III in roughly the same day.

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you’re too powerful :pensive:


/vote Wazza

I looked through Psyx’s ISO, and am unsure about them.

Asked questions but didn’t attempt to make any reads out of the interactions. Most of the questions and answers were basic and doesn’t seem to push their thoughts either way. Busy work.

Not villagery to me, but it could be playstyle.

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I hate Centuries’ talk surrounding mech yesterDay

Feels fishy, and especially not great considering his early posts about how to drop cover properly

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What do you think of this now BTW? Doesn’t it seem like wet-noodle, according to you?

I’m mostly skipping to random points in the thread. Anyone know how to pull up specific ISOs?

Yeah, now he’s far better.

Click profile and then X posts in topic.

I mean, how to take all those ISOs out? Can’t find Wazza’s post to click. :skull:

Click the frequent posters section at the top.

game is still going dont talk about it

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I disagree. In a wolf!ZoneWazza & town!Lili scenario, pushing Lili would have very likely made her “bleed town” (which you and I, and probably other people catch on) and make his effort useless if his intention was a Lili lynch. Now that I reread that part of the discussion, Lili was just talking to Zone and not attacking him; if he pushes her, it might backfire and make her tunnel him in retaliation instead. The only benefit in pushing her would be if he paused right when she’s bleeding and say he just wanted to make sure of her alignment and maybe pocket/towncred for it. :thinking:

He never did say why he thought she was obv!town, right? What if it was just TMI?

When I gave Chloe that townlean, it was because I thought her questions/the intent behind them were pretty good, but reading D1 I don’t think she ever shared any notable results from her questioning/analysis.

She said this:

And I don’t know whether I should give her the benefit of the doubt or not.

TMI? Wanting to pocket you? Ego/wanting to prove that he’s right about you? (in a wolf!Centuries & town!Lili scenario)

Vulgard said something along these lines, didn’t he? Something that sounded like an excuse for having bad reads. I think @Chloe sussed him for that.

Saying this means you’re aware that your emotions might be affecting your reads, right? Have you re-evaluated or nah?

what is this

Do you actually have reasons for wanting me dead or is this just you not wanting to admit that you’re basically OMGUS-ing me?

I see what you’re doing FYI. You’re dismissing all my sus points against you with “this is all IIOA”, “I don’t care about your slot”, “wordsalad.txt” and saying “cop just waste a check on Psyx and let’s move on”. How in the world are people townleaning you like wtf

Pot, meet kettle

:thinking: That’s a legit interpretation if Marl is town. It doesn’t make sense otherwise for wolf!Zone not to accept Marl’s offer/defense to get himself out of the hot water and maybe even drag Marl down with him. I don’t like how Wazza has been hyper-focused on Chloe the entire time, but for now I’ll bump her to townlean (t/t with Marl) and see if she does anything more scummy.

Townlean. I like it when people give concrete examples and say “I think you’re this alignment because in this game and in this alignment, you did this because this”. This post has weight (evidence), and Marl paraphrasing/giving his own description of Alice’s style means he’s paying attention and is actually giving proper thought into Alice’s alignment. This looks genuine solving to me.

…unless he’s already posted something like this before and is just copy-pasting his own words, in which case I retract the townie points (can anyone confirm?).

How many times are you going to repeat this? You’re using it as an excuse to not to do anything at this point.

I like this post. Assessing how to spend one’s time/effort wisely is more of a townie mindset, while wolves are more likely to just waste their time dragging their feet and trying their best to look busy without having anything to show up for it.

Is this TMI that Alice is town? And right after posting it he quickly leaves the thread lmaooo

Is this just a gut feeling or did you notice any signs?

Could’ve also been because Cream and I would have called her out on it. Lissi is more solve-y than what she’s done so far, and the times she didn’t do that I straight-up told her she was in her scum/non-town meta.

By “them writing their ideologies helps with reading into them”, who are you referring to by ‘them’? Centuries, all players, or ??

“Cent is trying to help people instead of doings reads which is exactly the same mentality I have” …and? If your conclusion is that you two are doing the same exact thing, what does that mean for your read on Centuries…?

If you believe so then why haven’t you checked everyone’s openers and analyzed them…?

I agree with this. It’s one of the things I liked about her posts, which is why I’m ok with bumping her into my townleans.

That’s because your wallpost was contradictory. You were basically just “yeah, I agree” and “yeah, I do this too” and you only started disagreeing with his posts that sussed you. From what I see your whole post could’ve been summed up with 5 letters: OMGUS. Your only sus point against Centuries was that he didn’t change his mind in voting you after you asked him to. That’s it.

(You even mentioned you were going to read my wallpost on him; what happened to that?)

You also say these:

which meant you were having doubts on your sus against him (and maybe getting me and Cream to reconsider?)

I can see the whole Silviu & Centuries thing being a whole load of scum theatre.

Weren’t you questioning him earlier? Why do you think he’s town?

Can you explain why?

Hey, anything you wanna ask me, or thoughts about my posts (most notably my case against Centuries)? I haven’t been able to focus on you that much either, but so far I like your posts and haven’t seen anything that pinged my sus radar.

Excuse me, when did you make a complete response to my wallpost? I’m “literally not even looking to solve your alignment” wtf???

Lili, have you responded to any of my posts to you yet?

What’s with this read. :joy: I mean, of course she’s going to be clueless; she just arrived? Being clueless is literally the super easiest thing to fake as a wolf?

Lis, have your solving skills regressed to this point?

What do you think about my sus points against him tho?

Can you read my wallpost on him here and my read on him here and tell me what you think?

what do you mean

I’m in the Marl’s obvtown camp rn.

Won already~