[VFM] A Hat in Time Cop13er - Town Wins!

in that case chloe/alice/appel/ruri/lili has 1+ wolves from your pov

your readlist says appel town, lili town, and chloe town so i’m ignoring these three

you have alice and ruri as null

so you’re simultaneously saying that there’s a wolf on the day 1 wagon, but you also don’t actually wolfread any of the 5 players on that wagon

the players you scumread are off wagon

so how does that impact your worldview because clearly “there’s a wolf on the top wagon” is a principle unaligned with your actual readlist where you didn’t put anyone on the top wagon in your wolfreads

im going to give you my solve

probably get mislynched for like the third time in over 4 years of constant fm

and then idk

look bucket is bucket and holistic reads are holistic reads
i didn’t even think about it
it’s possible i put you as w because of bias from others
i did have a brief gut feeling that maybe wazza v centuries w is the arrangement but idk if i actually believe in it

yes and i think you’re villagerier than silviu but i also have no idea how to read silviu when the guy always has hundreds of posts that say nothing of substance

maybe its outta sheer survival instinct but probably not going to push for a vulgard wolf world here since it never helps my case

my fucking cover though lmfao

yeet doesn’t have to be in that pair

i feel like this might be a pigeon situation, where i lean town on the guy, but eventually cave in to the thread consensus instead of committing to defending him, the player gets yeeted and flips v

still thinking ruri’s just a wolf by gamestate

ditto lmfao

alice did that thing where i just gave up on hard pushing silviu because pigeon didn’t have the towniest iso when i still thought he was townie early on after a meta glance

i’ve been trying to yeet outside that pair for two days now so yes i understand we don’t have to yeet in that pair

what’s your read on wazza
i feel like the argument between zone and lili on day 1 should be telling about their alignments
i leaned v on lili off it and i never really stopped wolfreading what zone did there but i decided to give wazza space for some time

imo it’s either Silviu/Alice kinda thing or Ruri/Appel

Ruri kinda fits in Silviu/Alice

i’m not even tunneled
i have no idea who to vote
i’m just leaving mine parked on you because i dont know who to move it to

i’ll be honest i’m a bit miffed by alice’s play today but i’m not interested in pushing her for #reasons

did cop cover
but like i dont think she’s been super townie

i know she has a good wolfgame

genuinely haven’t looked at the slot but like ive seen a few posts where she’s trying to solve outside the box

i like that part knowing my reads

marl wolf

greatest way for there to be no cw is by parking it on me

because wolves are genuinely happy with threadstate if they gib me for free

you mean wazza did cop cover or you did
i haven’t been paying enough attention to tell

I had N0 Appel N1 Wazza

yeah it wasn’t great

I’m a VT obviously not going to jeopardize eod and my reads for this shit

this setup sucks
i know i said this before but i’ll just say it again

I didn’t cop cover wha

oh okay

if you’re cop just incorporate your checks into your reads instead of having everyone do cop covers

also if you’re alive by D4, probably out.