[VFM] A Hat in Time Cop13er - Town Wins!

@Mistyx hi Mist, welcome to the game!

I’m probably going to catch up by myself later, but that’s enough for now. I don’t know if things have changed drastically since I last left and I would appreciate if someone summarized it for me, but I’ll be here and I want to talk to people

Yeah, she also does this “it could be playstyle” takes as V.

I hard-pushed her over it in that Thirteen Decades, tbfh.

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The reason why I was trying to push you it was because at the moment I thought it would help me read better the thread state if everybody would focus on me for some reasoning trying to vote ya, but then I gave up because it wasn’t worth it and I didn’t thought this through. Judge me later :joy:

I was just trying to give an advice :cry:

Alright. Does she have any strong towntells/scumtells?

Yo Appel I’m right here, gal :pensive:

Check out the wolf game I linked.

She has a very hard time giving out reads at all due to TMI and so basically spends much of her time as a W by throwing out questions without following or naked votes to look productive.

Her starting the game by making reads, even shallow ones, is very >rand V for her.

Mhm… I’ll do it later. I’ve played with her on MU a few times, but I don’t remember her meta too clearly.

Why did you think so? And why wasn’t it worth it?

Be honest: was that you being helpful or feeling like you needed to defend yourself?

Because I wanted to get in the hot seat because this way I have an easier time reading people because they are forced to respond to me doing something shady (me as town ape, PJO I guess). But then decided that it wasn’t worth it because I was planning to say that you didn’t have enough content but after actually post sorting you, it wouldn’t make sense and instead of doubling down I just decided to quit~ so during that interval I was dodging Marl.

i keep reading ruri as rue

Being helpful, if you read above “Oh c’mon”, you would see me saying that “Me being frozen and nervous” isn’t a way to read me, and then Marl said “Then how are we supposed to read you” or something along those lines, there’s no reason for me to be defensive here because I could’ve just moved on after responding to Marl back with “You’re supposed to know as we played in Duality”.

Meanwhile Kyo kept saying “Silvui” before :joy: :joy: :joy:


Honestly, can we pretend this is a mountainous? Cop checks will be obvious if there’s constant readlists better than us claiming/shielding fake checks.

FTR, I still think Alice is V.

Chloe subbed out, eh. Guess I still like that slot, so the replacement shouldn’t be an issue.

Wait. So you’re admitting you were planning to fake a read in order to push me and that it would be seen as shady.

But what if I’m a wolf? The only reason it would be seen as shady is if you’re pushing a villager
If you were planning to fake a RT from the get-go, why not find another reason to push me?

This whole argument is very… Silviu-ish, but this feels like a legitimate scumslip which would also be very Silviu-ish

Yep, that was the point to get on the hot seat for my RT

I couldn’t’ve find anymore reasons.

I’d think I’d beat around the bush

Sorry that I’m not responding in one post only :joy:

/vote Silviu @EliThePsycho @Arctic

And why is it that you keep leaving the important ones for last