[VFM] A Hat in Time Cop13er - Town Wins!

in their champs wolf game where the wim was high and she lived FIVE DAYS
she outposted it in ONE DAY here
and all of her posts here are content


@Appelsiini this is literally a staple of aliceā€™s wolf game

every single time they start getting caught they get toxic
i can link countless sources

also that isnā€™t even my point

at least they used to, dont know if itā€™s still the case or not

I just said Silviu is as good as =rand because I donā€™t know how to read him

What do you mean by this?

iā€™m talking about the post i was replying to at first

this entire bit is predicated on solving as if you know alice is a wolf

Yes, I also said I thought she couldā€™ve been doing an RT ā€“ which wouldā€™ve been ongoing, if Silviuā€™s reaction told me anything. Thatā€™s why I wanted to wait and see what would happen.

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Did you say that before your catch-up post just now though?

I didnā€™t. Why would I draw attention to it being a possible reaction test?

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Looking at the post that was quoted, all it said was w!Alice w/ ??!Silviu + implications

And since you know yourself that you didnā€™t say you thought Alice could be doing an RT/was town anywhere in that post

Why are you expecting Marl to read your mind (that you didnā€™t actually think Alice was mafia when your whole post said so) and accusing him of putting words in your mouth?

Also @Appelsiini can you answer this

Iā€™m just confused as to why you think that thinking that the consensus PoE is wrong is logically scummy

What does this mean?

So D1, you were SRing Chloe a bit

Then you unvoted them and voted Pigeon, saying that youā€™d be able to solve her D2

and thenā€¦ Chloeā€™s just solved (?) as town bc SHC?

Like I dunno, I feel this is a little ehh tbh
Could be paranoia but it really just makes me go 0.o

*conclude her alignment

I was doing world-building. Regardless, if that was the only thing Marl has commented on I wouldnā€™t have bothered to accuse him of putting words in my mouth because thatā€™d be understandable. But the two quotes above are definitely jumping to conclusions, and Marl has a habit of doing that when heā€™s faking a push, so itā€™s making me uneasy

I donā€™t think itā€™s scummy; I just think it shows that Mistā€™s reads are consistent, which is often a towny trait^^

catching up? asking questions?

what are you slow at

Mist replaced in for Chloe, right? Iā€™m still solving their slot afaik

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Writing wallposts! And catchup posts in general! Itā€™s so irritating~


Ohhh thanks