[VFM] A Hat in Time Cop13er - Town Wins!

/vote Wazza
/vote Centuries
/vote Silviu

is the explanation ā€œi was a wolf all alongā€

I feel Centuries responding very fast is because he was overtaken by his emotions so thereā€™s a window of opportunity to see if heā€™s saying the truth or accidentally spilling the milk. But I do feel him telling me that theyā€™re using my will to life to eliminate century as realistic from his point of view, although is not the truth.

Iā€™m very confused why Alice and Ruri decided to switch on them and not keep on me though.

Um, Chloe and Misty are the same person right now.

Well kind of bad because Chloe usually exposes herself in such a way that she can be read and she usually is like the townā€™s top motivated player to solve, but not today. And Misty replacing her doesnā€™t make her look better because Misty herself didnā€™t respond to many things so she needs to be asked more questions and I hope it comes in my mind eventually.

Iā€™ve heard people saying that Cream was PR? But I think he was looking widely town-read so he got killed.

Also do you mind if I take my time to respond this way or do you want me to go all carefree to responding bit by bit per post like I did before you voted me? :joy:

I think Silviu knows I know heā€™s a wolf so heā€™s not reacting

i donā€™t think silviu has called centuries by his actual name yet


yes this is what iā€™m choosing to focus on

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I also saw him start to respond and then bail :joy_cat:

by the way, small explanation for the Appel thing instead of me giving some big post (I will do that later instead)

I feel like sheā€™s just trying to be the average Town instead of actually doing stuff, like sheā€™s trying to look Town but not do Townie things, like she questions the nightkill which a Town would do, she believes the redcheck that a Town would do and she basically looks like she wants to Townslip.

You guys can read Appelā€™s ISO yourselves or wait for me to post on it but Iā€™m fine with Appel/Centuries/Silviu dying today anyone else could be fine, theyā€™re just the relevant ones.

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/vote Silviu @EliThePsycho

by the way i think mistyā€™s town but i donā€™t think thatā€™s a controversial take at all
particularly liked her interaction with alice (it also made alice look really bad but iā€™ve mentioned this already)

Not really. To explain it at a surface level, I feel like I already have a good enough read on Marl/Phraze/LiLi/Psyx and the checks in you/Chloe that Iā€™m willing to play this like a Turbo Cop game.

I meta shield wolf

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at least i feel like iā€™m the one who caught him in the end


arenā€™t we at L-1?

who cares just hammer

wait no I unvoted nvm ignore me

No, I want Appel to talk some more first.

everyone has checked in and given their n1s

Just sheep me2victory4head.

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@Arctic @EliThePsycho vc pls