[VFM] A Hat in Time Cop13er - Town Wins!

No I found him myself
It’s different from people voting him because he doesn’t make sense and is just PoE

6, I don’t get’cho problem but I’m asking for a reason and thanks for answering. I get that you are not having good days at work or something but I feel this tone is quite a threatening tone :eyes: Sorry and thanks.

Now, this is a list of posts that I want you to read because I believe here it tells what type of alignment I am, got it?

I’ll make one give me a sec

just going to reiterate that i’m quite sure marl is town

A good way to solve games is by finding all villas and putting the remainder in a box.

That’s what I’ve been doing all along.

Centuries did a 180 on me or something.

I’d rather have something convincing that someone is a wolf
otherwise you can’t find wolves who make their way out of the box

It is like
the recipe to win every easy game and lose every hard one

And saying I weaponized Silviu to vote him.

Good luck, do you have anymore reads for PoE?

Silviu why are you still ignoring me

If you could just look at what I’m responding to Appel

I posted BEFORE Appel?

If that’s the logic you have, I don’t think I want to debate with you anymore :eye:

like 3 times?

i’m somewhere at “i guess i’m fine with listening to alice for one more day since her reads are mostly aligned with mine, but if the flip and/or nightkill proves the game’s heading off a cliff then re-evaluate”

Welcome to Ms. Alice’s Wild Ride.

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our major point of disagreement is ruri, though i’m trying to take the meta into account
i think the reads she gave are very barebones and they aren’t unfakeable by any stretch of the imagination
it’s only one step above “no reads at all” and people can improve their wolfgames

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I’m like, playing to my old aggro style. RIP

i’m seeing, like, no aggro from you
where did you get that idea