[VFM] A Hat in Time Cop13er - Town Wins!

I think Silviu said it, but the reasoning was incomplete and confusing

I feel like this point didn’t come across nearly as clearly before

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Yikes if it didn’t

I hope I don’t need to wait this out.

Century is antitown and wolf-motivated, ya guys!

I’d think Appel posting right now would make her look more clearer so if she’s mafia then watch out for slips :eyes:

Well, lucky for me, you don’t get to decide what I do~

I think you’re just misunderstanding my reads and what they represent. Everyone has things I find both towny and wolfy about them, and I can point them out however I like. Voluntarily limiting yourself by using confbias isn’t the way to go, and I have a habit of just vomiting out my thoughts in my catchup posts and analyzing each posts separately. That does not mean my reads are any less valid, it just means that I lean towards their behavior coming from X alignment in the end.

I’m not going to write cases while I’m busy, and definitely not before they respond to the questions I asked them. I did this with Ruri too; I pointed out things that I saw as scummy, but got a response that hedgy reads were very much in their townrange, and more likely to come from V!Ruri than W!Ruri. In short, this can basically be summed up as a playstyle difference; once again, you’re free to push me for it if you think it makes me a wolf, but this is ultimately a useless argument and we’ll just keep going in circles while coming back to this same point.

Have you looked at my posts from another perspective, rather than being caught up in my read on Psyx? What do you think about anything I’ve posted that isn’t related to that?

I had something more to say but I forgot what it is

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Either way, I’m going away. Might or might not come back.

/vote Silviu @Arctic @EliThePsycho

Making sure my vote’s on Silviu, throughout this whole discussion, he hasn’t given any useful input so he can go

LiLi, I’m not sure of what you’re afraid of but Appel writting this long proses would be enough to read her off of, I’m not sure if I can provide meta-gaming here~ but I suggest to look for inconsistencies in her logic if she has TMI or being too opportunistic~ Even if I say this out loud, Appel can still do them even if she’s aware of this if you think they’re mafia.

Wow, okay… for some reason I really hate this post.

M’kay, if you don’t want to discuss with me or actually just provide the explanation instead of making excuses, I don’t really want to discuss anything with you either.

Sure, have a good time away.

Disappointing :crying_cat_face:

I promised a re-eval on Cent, and I’m going to do it this night phase. Silviu is still in my scumlean.

As for my other reads, everyone is pretty shaky right now and I think I’ll have to start from scratch. For now I don’t want Appel lynched because I want to look at her with a clear head and talk with her tomorrow (I’ve glossed over her discussion with Lili and she’s probably saying something I can’t properly think about rn). I’m ok with yeeting any of my POE: Alice, Ruri, Vulgard, Silviu (not Cent, altho he’s in null right now).

I’m not moving my Appel vote. I think she is likely to be wolf, especially based on her responses.

Appel, I’m literally standing here for you to acknowledge Century and have a debate about it

/vote Silviu @EliThePsycho @Arctic

For the love of god, please

Literally nobody else will come at this time

Long prose about reads is AI.

I don’t know how you expect me to read her off long prose that she took the time to write that basically sums up to: “I’m not going to explain anything, it’s your problem if you can’t understand me, move on from Psyx because I refuse to explain my read, I’m just going to do whatever I want, and I’m busy so back off”.

It’s basically just a string of excuses loaded with AtE so that she can just brush everything off. It’s just plain awful.

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For someone that emphasizes “discussion” being important for townies and everything, she sure is not living up to her ideals.

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Please don’t tell me that I’m the top wagon now zzzzzzzzz

I think you are. I’m not happy about it, but I guess no one wants to go for Appel. Which I think really says something about the “theadstate” ://

If it comes down to it, are you going to vote Appel to live?

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Well, after I die, probably not.