[VFM] A Hat in Time Cop13er - Town Wins!

Both yesterday and today

Yes she would’ve. There’s no way I would’ve let go after that awful response.

Fine, then it’d be her tomorrow. There’s no way she’d live to endgame or whatever, I’d have tunneled her every day she lived.

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The point is that you bussed Appel in an extremely TMI-y way.

  • You were never bothering to solve the game before and was just doing your “I don’t solve games. Period” shit.
  • You suddenly just had a confident and generic wolfread on Appel with a BS reason of “too townie to be town” despite never interacting her beforehand.
  • You didn’t bother to push her at all and was voteparking on her the entire day, which makes me believe that you were just distancing her while Silviu could have been locked to the lynch.
  • The moment Silviu claimed cop and Appel had to be the CW you immediately had that confidence back and even went claiming that you’d be cleared over her flip and started shading everyone off-wagon.

This progression is literal textbook plinko board and it’s pretty fucking obvious that you bussed Appel for the long con.

no you wouldn’t have, to would’ve been njgytmileld thanks to being confirmed by Silviu

Appel also kept questioning Psyx and stuff
Like why this why that

and her post that was like “Psyx + Centuries V/V off this interaction”

if we go off her TMI-ing Centuries I think she TMIed psyx as town too

She’s fairly polarized from what I’ve read in FAM and from Cream’s meta?

I don’t think she ever flips W here as she has a deeper interaction with the content rather than just ask questions for the sake of asking questions or just posting IIoAs.

Game should be locked by now.

Only thing I need to do is convince people to not allow Wazza to endgame on such a shitty-ass bus.

oh I mean

what do you think of her based off Appel

I feel like Appel was trying to chain ML her and Cent.

Like, she was just “Cent’s V and his pushers are scummy” like she was setting Psyx up to die after Cent got ML’d.

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I don’t believe that if I spend a whole 48 hours telling people to kill Appel you guys just would’ve let her off after I died-- at least it must’ve made some impression!!

plus she was counterwagon to cop, y’know

You know I wasn’t trying to solve the game thanks to you so be quiet there. All you did was get me to defend all throughout D2 so now when I did decide to contribute on the fly after seeing a post from Appel that rubbed me the wrong way, you get annoyed. So what the fuck is it gonna be? You want me to contribute or fucking not. Make your god damn mind up Alice instead of being this annoying player who is the worst to be in a game with. Do you want me to do stuff or not because it seems whenever I do stuff in any sort of game with you, you’re a fucking asshole to me for it.
And my confidence was justified so I recommend you shut up on it.

and i thought we were doing so well

If you were confident on her being a wolf then why not hard-push them over Silviu and wait until he claimed cop?

I’m going bed and placing Alice on ignore until the god damn end of this game. If she says anything worthwhile, which I doubt, you can tell it to me.

Wazza I’m not voting Alice today

I don’t really want to vote you today either tbh
I’ll look at your ISO later if it helps though

So like
Do you have any other SRs, Wazza?

Only players I’m voting today are Emilia/Wazza, tbfh.


Wow dumbass, it’s almost like I couldn’t be bothered with the game, I was confident, but not confident enough to actually give the game the time worth giving a shit. Hell, I can tell you now I was confident enough to claim a redcheck on Appel if it wasn’t for the fact that Mist was consistently refusing to listen to me when I said “the cop might have a green check on Silviu” and shit. Tell me, Alice. Why do I have to explain everything to you, I fucking don’t. How I play is how I play

Aww, how did your veto’ing work out for you on Appel.