[VFM] A Hat in Time Cop13er - Town Wins!

Bleh, claiming to have concerns over Appel and claiming that there’s a wolf in LiLi/Wazza but placing his vote on a zero poster while claiming that the thread is villagery is a horrible look for Vulgard’s slot.

I don’t think Ruri/Vulgard’s a realistic wolfteam from how much doubt Vul casted on my Ruri meta-read, tbfh.

I kinda don’t like this

he doesn’t even outright say it’s a scummy action in the first part, just let’s it be implied

the conclusion looks like it could be the result of tmi ngl

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Eh, I’m still pre-flippy here but it’s odd how Vul said this to Wazza but for the zero posters the tone was completely different.

Eh, kinda safer on Psyx/Centuries.

It seems like Appel’s angle of attack for much of d2 was basically “Psyx is a wolf pushing on LHF Centuries.”

it’s also hilarious because she said they were V/V and she didn’t even attack that hard, she just seemed to want to question and then be done :joy:l


Alice, what do you think about Vulgard’s initial SoC post

Centuries, Cream, you, and Appel all said it was very towny at the time
obv!town, VV, almost locktown, all that

do you think that post was faked?

kinda wish Vulgard was here, what’d he mean by this :joy:

Vulgard’s a very strong wolf, so I wouldn’t put it past him, tbfh.

this might be a dumb question

but right now is everyone split between Alice + Centuries or Wazza/Emilia?

but does Centuries know that?

Is this really W/W though…?

hrmm I kinda dunno what I’m doing

ISO is seriously a pain- or at least, ISO-ing while replying to posts. It’s even worse on mobile, which I’m planning on moving to soon.

But I’m figuring… if Alice is going to be scumcasing Vulgard, is there a point in me doing so as well when we’re the only two on the thread? If I did that, we’d just dig each other deeper into a tunnel, I think

So what if I try to towncase Vulgard and see if that helps anything :thinking:

But also Alice I kinda want your opinion too
to tell me if I’m thinking too deep on stuff

so yeah

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where is everyone else

@Psyx @Marluxion @Mistyx come back here and help analyze Vulgard’s slot please

Mistyx especially, why’d you pop in just to ask me one question and nothing else :sob:

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because im having a bad night and this game is just stressing me out more

leave me alone

okii Wazza’s right guys

I’m gonna die tonight

so come back and chat with me before I have to leave crii

oh… okay, sorry :sweat_smile:

I think I’m just going to do some other stuff then, I’m not really into being here alone. Then bye guys, see you later.

A Replacement is required.


me coming in after the scum yeet yesterday like