[VFM] A Hat in Time Cop13er - Town Wins!

And If I die and you vote Psyx at any point besides final 3 I will harpor unending resentment towards you

(unless they turn out to somehow be a goddamn alpha wolf in which case i kneel)

@Psyx who was your n0 if you remember?

@Marluxion Well Iā€™m ready to lose to wolf Alice lmao :joy:

They killed Cream soā€¦(Tbh I was secretly hoping theyā€™d kill me too so I can get away from rereading the thread)

Sorry, I didnā€™t try faking a N0 because I donā€™t have experience with it, so I was scared it was going to blow up in my face. ^^;;;

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I kinda think youā€™re tunneling, Alice

W!Wazza just doesnā€™t make any sense imo

I think you should reconsider-

Like, for example, since you did admit that Ruriā€™s meta wasnā€™t clearing- it just made her lean V- maybe sheā€™s up for a re-eval based on content instead?

Or do you think that consistently not making sense and then suddenly coming out with a sensible readlist and all that is also V!Ruri?

The ā€œnot making senseā€ part looks like she was just tossing stuff out randomly tbh.

I think, especially with the addition of Psyxā€™s ISOs, sheā€™s second most likely mafia after Vulgard (or, the most likely to be paired with Vulgard).

this thread feels so depressing rn

I think looking at the past 24-ish hours alone half of us would count as LHF in a normal game or something :joy:

except maybe Psyx

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is multi-ISOing a thing here

Psyx, have you read Vulgardā€™s ISO yet btw?

What do you think of posts like these?

Feel like ppl are too ok with vulgard/emilia dying


This post shouldnt be the reason to vote vulgard as it either a) assumes the team is exactly mist/vulgard which many people, including lili iirc, have said is unlikely or b) theyā€™re just not looking for the second wolf

I take the case of lili here since i think theyre mistalen, but others i think may have been doing this out of malicious intent

cough Alice cough

Imo the poe should still be wide open, and i do not appreciate someone i townread for once being stuck at the bottom

why do you TR Emilia?

a) I didnā€™t mention Ruri in that either, yā€™know? Why do you think it leaves just Mist/Vulgard? b) I mean Alice might be set on her scumteam, but not everyone else is. Plus if everyone thinks Vulgard is wolf then may as well just flip Vulgard first and built/destroy association reads off that

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I TR vulgard and dont see anything from Emilia to topple that

Plus ive yet to see a good argument for killing them, as both ruri and you seem to have faulty arguments and nobody else has explained theirs past the point of ā€œlolpoeā€

Uh what

have you read Psyxā€™s ISO?

This is a mistake on my part, i meant the post as a whole instead of just that one statement

Only individuals not included in these two are mist/vulgard

Well I mean

If Mist was included there was a reason, yā€™know?
Weā€™re not voting people solely off Appel

And Ruriā€™s consensus town status is very questionable right now ngl

Thats what im afraid of

ā€œOh lets just kill off a town for infoā€ has never been something ive agreed with

*not included in my cleared part but not included in my ā€œthat just leaves Xā€ part

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I think youā€™re misunderstanding here. Weā€™re trying to kill a wolf

But in the very unlikely case Vulgard flips town, then we can work from there

nothing is happening

thats the post

imo itā€™s probably just a 1+ wolf poe and nothing much to do

can always blame emilia if she basically 0 posted as a villa here NODDERS

If i said no id be lying on technicality

If i said yes id be lying on principle

Also I mean- why?

What specific posts? What there is outstandingly towny?

also after a wolf flip, I think a wide open PoE is more harmful than anything else

this isnā€™t really the time to start reconsidering every single person

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