[VFM] A Hat in Time Cop13er - Town Wins!

Zone’s play wasn’t even that bad
nobody’s play was even that bad this game
why is this a conversation being had

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If any play had any direct negative impact it was shielding a wolf because you didn’t want to drop cop cover :joy_cat:

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Like this was a clean game basically from most of the town
Wolves losing wim sucks but doesn’t indicate low skill or anything
why we complaining about bad players


what is with this site and still having post game discussion a week after the game ends

This game ended like yesterday

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I mean you subbed into an outed slot


Didnt it end two days ago

time is an illusion

a construct made by the prison we call society

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“I’m not gonna make reads and I’m just going to act like a LHF until I’m chopped.”

Is this good play in your eyes?

I’d eventually have dropped cop cover when the cop died, so it wasn’t a bad play.

I dont think thats the quote at all. The quote was,

"Now all i gotta do is wait for the day for my execution, see you get mad at me for playing shit, yadda yadda yadda, and get yourself be on the chopping block after me.

It really is fun when you have nothing to lose"

Which doesnt even means hes giving up, he just knows eventually he will be chopped with you in game as you despise his play, and wants to see your reaction, as you are over reacting to everything the dude did this game.

Like I think this was something that the others were getting at. You are not only misinterpreting the play, but also like condemning the player as a bad player. Like 1 we should always be trying to lift people up and not tear them down, how else do you expect players to get better. Negative feedback loops don’t work, I have been on this site long enough to see that. But also like there’s nothing wrong with what zone posted. He might have riled you up, but whats the difference between what he did and a reaction test. He was trying to see what you would do?

as seen here


And? Not bothering to solve and trying to get himself ML’d is still gamethrowing.

then you will not improve and will only be unpleasant to play with to people who disagree with this mindset


Again I think you are misinterpretting the play as I said here

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Like if you read his iso, i think you will be for a suprise tbh

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well then
have fun staying mad, because such stuff happens in most games


btw here’s scum chat if anyone still cares


Eli forgor :skull:

is this still funny