[VFM] A Hat in Time Cop13er - Town Wins!

Congrats now 40% of the thread is a discussion of people’s wolfgame strength and 10% of the thread is complaining about it

Society thrives


i have no idea why i’m responding so savagely

Alice isn’t playing like someone who expects to be peeked red. Her posts surrounding her wolfgame are all pretty much begging for a cop check on her tonight. So, unless she already knows who the cop is and will kill them tonight, she should be a villager here.

This doesn’t make her the cop, nor am I outing her as the cop. I’m just saying she probably wouldn’t go on and on about this as a wolf, because the cop exists.

I already pretty much broke the vow I made in that post, so.

I think this is town, by the way.

I wrote my opener the same way Chloe wrote her wolf openers in the past, word for word, except the cat and ceiling remark. I don’t normally swear, but the reference is slightly cryptic, I guess? I don’t think even Chloe got it.

I do? I didn’t even realize.

This post is a lot of words without a conclusion of any kind, by the way.

Because I’m not great at wolf theater reads to begin with.

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Mathematically, in most setups, wolves comprise 25% of the players, and the other 75% are town. Hence =rand W is 25% wolf and =rand V is 75% town.

rand W and >rand V refers to perceived odds above those levels.

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This feels wolfy.

And this is just wrong. Cream’s shared a lot of insights already. Zone claiming she hasn’t reads to me like he doesn’t care about solving her - or doesn’t want to. Doubly suspicious considering they seem to have pregame experience and should want to solve each other. Zone framing her posts as not AI isn’t in good faith. He seems to want to keep her out of towncore by doing this (subtly).

You didn’t solve anything. I’m disappointed. I read 400 posts only to find an unsolved game.

Marl bad.


@Psyx You’ve asked like 40 questions and drew like 0 independent conclusions / made 0 independent reads. Mind giving us any if you have them?

Is Ruri literally 0-posting AI at all? Some people like Marl and Alice have been saying Ruri’s an ez read.

Let’s see…I’ve only seen/played with wolf!Cream twice before. First time she subbed in and got killed (they lost), second time she subbed in in the day phase before MYLO (they won). I don’t know Cream’s wolfrange either, but I know that she’s a really good player and she’s very competitive. One thing she said before that I’ve always kept in mind was that she had a “scary mafia meta” which she was trying to fix (? I only remember the scary mafia meta part tbh :joy: )

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I haven’t finished reading the thread yet (post 179…ugh this is going to take me forever orz), and my usual style is to read people based on meta, association (how other people respond to them), their own reads/way of thinking/intent behind their posts and actions, gut, and anything they say that stands out to me. Tbh I haven’t seen anything yet that struck me as “they’re town because of this” or “they’re wolf because of this”. If you really want me to give partial reads, then here:

If there’s one wolf in these interactions:
Vulgard/Centurion/Chloe = Centurion, because he’s been all over the place and I just can’t understand the thought process behind some of his actions towards you
Alice/Pigeon = none. I could understand where Alice was coming from (altho I don’t really agree with it), and Pigeon is ¯_(ツ)_/¯
Lili/Cream = Cream, because her D1 deadline for Lili was weird. I don’t think she’s usually impatient like that?

*Edit: Centuries not Centurion omg

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Yeah but 0 posting is definitely not AI for her
She doesn’t know the game started probably

Also kinda agree on zone being wolfy Vulgard

Pigeon/Centuries/Zone team?

Actually wait tell me why you think this is wolfy Vul

Also anyone who was shocked at how obviously town I am needs to read Psyx’s posts

They are the most obvious villager in the history of obvious village

Obvious Village is now a place and I am the mayor

It’s not my place to throw shade on myself, but I’d say Ciconia is not a good indicator of my wolf meta since it was a minimash with far too many posts. I think PyMM 2 is a good game for checking wolf meta, or even SFoL 67