[VFM] A Hat in Time Cop13er - Town Wins!

Okki okki, no problems!!

can I just ask, now that you seem to be in a better mood

why did you expect Alice to pressure me for a read (when she has no knowledge of my meta) and vote her for it when she didn’t (and she later explained it was bc she wasn’t good with… melt under pressure? players)

instead of just pressuring me yourself if you wanted that kind of read so much


I don’t recall Alice not being good with weak-under-pressure people, and I want her high-pressure to be set on you so I can read you, since putting you under high pressure has never failed me to read you as town whenever you are one.

I may have some form of authority in NUF, but here I am no different than Renzy. Do you think that if Renzy says he wants everyone to pressure someone like Martial, that anyone would actually follow him?

AKA “Thread Control”

Look at the joycat.

Now look at me.

Now look, it’s a joke.

(or is it?)


But I mean, c’mon. Lili should be easy to read when she’s town. If we’re having problems finding her as town, that’s kind of a problem, no?

Also, just think of how nice that whole post sounded. My inner poet had to write it like it.

If I can’t find you as town on D1.
I am yeeting you as scum on D2.

Nice ring to it, right?

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oh didn’t realize you had meta on Alice

then what do you think about her saying that she was bad with them? (citing an example from aa month ago)

do you think that’s just an excuse then?

why can’t you just go the individual pressure route

last time in Eggnog it wasn’t everyone either

why do you need “everyone” or “thread control” to do anything

Yeah, it would be. Then again, does LiLi have enough thread prescence in this game to be a problem if we don’t immediately find her alignment on D1? I’d say that it’s more of a problem if she isn’t obv!town by D2 at most.

bc I don’t think people would lie about their meta tbh

The entire sequence that follows this post feels v genuine from Marl, and given how paranoid I’ve been of him recently, that’s saying a lot.

The quote itself is irrelevant, but sums up my thoughts on Alice’s slot perfectly. Her playing so far has felt like… she’s trying to be objectively correct, rather than believing what she’s saying, if that makes sense? Not a fan of her dropping the pressure after I confronted her about shading me for something we both know is NAI, that was lame

@Chloe can you talk to me more about Pigeon
I’m curious as to how exactly they’re exuding comfort, apart from the act of pushing Alice

I don’t have enough meta to deny the claim, but I have enough bias to disbelieve the claim.

…? I recall I had Osie as lock!town, and Cream as townread. I didn’t case anyone individually; I only pushed Joker after his bad look while he was reacting to getting voted for inactivity.

…ah, then there was also the fact that I thought Lemlem/Joker were scumteam because of their lack of reads towards each other.

Basically, finding scum was easier since I only had to find for scum in pairs.

Cent, Vul and Chloe are all in the confusion-pile and that makes me more frustrated than it logically should, given the effort (or lack thereof) that I’ve put into this game

Chloe’s first posts were towny and then she started dropping off
Vul’s posting at the start felt weird
Cent’s breadcrumbing still confuses me because I don’t understand the logic behind it

I’m probably just going to hang around and respond to people in real-time to get a better grasp on the game

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Do you have meta on LiLi?

are we not talking about the same thing??

I’m saying if you wanted me (just me- idk where everyone else came into the convo at all) to be under pressure so you can read me, why can’t you just pressure me on your own instead of wanting more thread control so you can do some group pressuring? (eggnog- yes Tilg was there but you guys were pressuring individually sorta in hindsight)


me, Zone, Psyx, and Cream all come from NUF so we’ve all played quite a few games with each other in the past

*or needing Alice to do it for you when you were the one who wanted it in the first place

The more she’s angry, the longer she talks.
The longer she talks, the townier she is.

I believe it means he’ll use Discobot in spec chat, where the people there can see

Okay! I’m going to ask the boring questions, then: What are your reads on them?

@Zone_Q11 would appreciate if you responded to this as well

Because without any power, there is no pressure behind that vote. It would just be “a vote”, which most likely will get ignored until some schmuck who doesn’t like that vote says that I am scum because of it.