[VFM] A Hat in Time Cop13er - Town Wins!

like I’m the type to ignore “a vote” unless it’s clearly a joke vote lol


…ehhh well

I guess I’ve been sorta ignoring Vulgard’s parked vote on me bc of its joke origins

…I need to go look back at that since I think the reason changed somewhere orz

Ah. RLIT. Not abusable.
Welp. I guess this will be a long game.

Cream: Towny, but only because she isn’t scummy

LiLi: Towny, but I want to pressure her to be certain that this is actually the case, and not just her casually talking to me as scum

Psyx: IDK. I already forgot what her content is

/vote LiLi041 @EliThePsycho

This is not a joke

…Weh. What towny things has she done so far, in your opinion?

I don’t think you understand. Without power, a single vote will never do anything to you. You may not ignore it, but you wouldn’t be pressured.

It would be a pointless, powerless, pressureless vote with a label of “pressure vote in the name of science” tagged onto it.

Talking and being rational. Calmly explaining her POV when I misunderstood her post. Getting angry at Cream when she threw jokes at LiLi.





Is there even a point in voting LiLi, now that I have crossed the line of no return? When LiLi’s elimination is nothing more than just a jest?

Welp. One way to find it out. If I can’t get LiLi, then at the very least–

/vote LiLi041 @EliThePsycho


I feel like Psyx’s posts were kinda towny
the questioning and stuff feels like town!Psyx & thinking about the game, not that I’ve ever played with mafia!Psyx

I’d need some direct interaction with her though
so rn kinda like a tiny townlean for all those posts?

I did read Cream’s ISO sometime earlier… I mean I’d also say it’s kinda towny but I can’t shake my earliest impressions off completely

though she does feel way more like regular Cream now

still not there entirely but anyways

I wanna see something really explosive that doesn’t concern me

For Zone… uh, idk. We are having gaps in understanding when we talk to each other directly, but his frustration at getting SRed over something that makes sense feels towny

I don’t really like his “need a group of ppl to pressure LiLi”

these reads feel flimsy as heck

nothing that makes me go “oh totes town” but issokay for preliminary reads I think

Psyx is town guys.

Unless she somehow managed to 180 her scum game, she’s definitely town here.

:joy_cat: I’m really happy for some reason.

(Expansion: Psyx doesn’t like randing scum. When she’s scum, she tends to resort to IIOA posting (though I did tell her that was a flaw in her scumplay like last week). She tends to be inactive, maybe from wolfy nervousness to post. I’m not seeing any of that here. I see her questioning multiple people. Her reads so far definitely are at a level that I expect them to be.

I think the only doubt in my mind is that Psyx said she wanted to openwolf/powerwolf as scum. Which… I guess what she’s doing now kinda counts if she is indeed scum? Though I think there is a large difference between wanting to play a certain way and actually being able to.)



Ah, yes. “What…?” What a good post. It most certainly tells me what the hell you are confused of, and all it does is waste my time.


/vote Zone_Q11 @EliThePsycho

Those are some really generic reasons for someone you supposedly know very well
Putting so much focus on explaining why you want to pressure someone you townread - which is silly in itself - without actually doing so is > rand wolfy

Your take on my alignment makes no sense. You’re preflipping me as W and using that to clear yourself, and your vote isn’t even on me.

What are you doing?

nvm nvm
I’m not gonna be surprised about this

you guys are just reacting to my “I’ll react if it’s not a joke post” >:(

it’s not gonna work
too fake!

When did I exactly do this?

I was impatient and waiting for you to respond! It’s a perfectly valid reason!

(I was waiting for Zone to take the hint and vote you with me if he really wanted to pressure you so much)

not w/w

By the way, n0 Psyx.

this is clearly copy pasted Vulgard