[VFM] A Hat in Time Cop13er - Town Wins!

Though, if Zone’s gamethrowing by getting himself lynched then wouldn’t this mean that his partners would probably at least try to bus him if he’s W?

Unless we’re seeing a wolfteam of Zone+2 of the people not playing the game I don’t think this is possible?

I’ll do stuff tomorrow then ig when I wake up.

Literally all he did was stop posting. Do you really think that’s AI?

Literally all he did was stop posting. Do you really think that’s AI? I see those recency-bias read switches all the time and I seldom see them actually catch wolves.

I’m reading Zone’s posts and I don’t see much of a difference between what he’s posting here and what he posted in Gold Rush, where we wolfed together. The one difference I can think of is the fact he’s not being overly cautious in the early-game, but if I recall, he was only overly cautious in that game because he was switching playstyles. That doesn’t seem significant enough to me.

I don’t know what he’s doing here, or… at all, but when we were wolves together, I had no idea what he was doing, either. Him appeasing to pigeon here for seemingly no reason feels like he’s trying to make pigeon look bad after becoming the top wagon. If Zone’s a wolf, Pigeon’s almost certainly a villager.

I hate saying this, but I think it’s very obvious that Alice getting tilted out of her mind in her argument with Zone is V AI for her. Zone’s alignment is completely irrelevant to this.

Oh yeah, there was that Gold Rush metaread where apparently Silviu just doesn’t do anything if he’s mafia.

I’d give him another 24 hours and consider him at EoD if he still hasn’t done anything by then.

We’re not doing this.

yall I’m tired but can someone actually tell me what Zone did, all that I was told was “he gamethrew”

Am I late again

How suprising :zzz:

You’re 23.5 hours late

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This is actually very early for me to come within the first 1000 posts

Ah ok, good night folks, I need to go to sleep


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actually on other thought, it just doesn’t matter

Hi, Wazza.

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hello I’m tired what’s up

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Eh, not really. It’s just that in the meanwhile more people have been villagery.

It’s more due to the fact that every time Pigeon pops into the thread it’s because people are asking him a question without bothering to put in his own original takes and thus looks more like he’s active lurking rather than just not playing.

Also I’m ignoring Zone, tbfh. I don’t want to waste with with an unreadable slot who’s entire goal is to tilt everyone else and get lynched by the EoD.

hello tired what’s up, I have 4 mins left, if you guys have requirements please tag me while saying 'em so I can backtrack

I’d like Zone’s slot to be ignored, any actions he took this game can be sorted postgame, but if yall want to read what he did idrc, based on what I’ve been told and my own role, it’s not helpful

by Zone’s slot I meant just Zone, don’t ignore me, I have things to contribute tomorrow



/vote LiLi

Her posting after my initial vote didn’t really do anything for me. It was mostly some obtuse argument with Zone.

Maybe she’s just town and I’m not seeing it, but eh.

Also, re:Marl – I actually don’t think he’s town yet. A lot of people seem to have him as an obvious villager, but independently, I don’t. Maybe I should, considering his postcount, aggression, and all the other stuff town!Marl is known for, but his takes have been mostly opposed to mine and he seems to be overplaying the “I am obv V I am solving the entire game” card. It feels performative.

Realistically, he should be V, I’m just worried about misclearing him.

Also I don’t want to be voting Wazza when she’s just replaced in and there’s a lot of time until EoD.

His pushes have also been all over the place, it’s like he’s throwing his vote and aggression around until it sticks. It doesn’t feel like actual solving, though he’s certainly putting effort into the game.

I get more “solving the game” vibes from Centuries than I do from Marl. Maybe it’s because Centuries is a tad more controlled and I see where he’s going, while Marl just seems to be doing whatever. You could say that’s more a sign of agenda from Centuries than a lack of towniness from Marl, I guess, but I think Centuries is town and I “vibe” with his approach more than I do with Marl’s. I also remember him making completely random pushes as a wolf in RWBY, though that isn’t a huge factor in my unwillingness to townread him.

I’m not confident enough aorn to push on him, I don’t even think he’s likely mafia, I’ve just been evaluating him for 1000 posts and I still can’t confidently say he’s town. Considering his postcount, this could be a cause for concern.