[VFM] A Hat in Time Cop13er - Town Wins!

Let’s see.




Personal take: probably a wolf in LiLi/Cream/Wazza. I’m not super attached to it, but I still think it’s possible.

Chloe and Centuries look kinda low, but in reality, they aren’t. Everyone below them is too close to null to be on my list of villagers.

Marl isn’t on that list for reasons stated above, though I’m unwilling to push him today unless he starts openwolfing. (Figuratively. I know anyone can openwolf at any time.)

So technically, probably a wolf in LiLi/Wazza. I don’t really understand their argument, but it didn’t feel like a V/V one to me.

I hate making this read, but I saw Silviu typing something for a split second, and then he stopped. Nagl. I can’t prove this, and maybe I shouldn’t even be saying this, but to be fair, it is public information as long as you’re sitting in the thread and watching. I was typing up a post at the time.

Ruri/Silviu are in PoE because they are 0-posters, LiLi/Wazza are there because I feel like there’s a wolf between them, Marl is there mostly for paranoia reasons, pigeon’s there because I think my other townreads’ suspicion of him is reasonable. I still think pigeon’s more likely to be a villager than other players in my PoE, but he’s not exactly at a high bar.

I really want to be able to resolve Ruri and Silviu in particular, because they could be any alignment right now and their very existence prevents me from building a good PoE.


Oh yeah, also. The secret reading method I mentioned about Appel’s slot earlier is basically “how much do I completely disagree with what she’s saying?” I tend to disagree with her a lot when she’s villaging. This game, her takes have been… pure nonsense to me, really (for the most part), and the progression behind them was all out of wack to me as well. Which signals to me she might be a villager. However, she seems more deferential this game as well, which is not what I’m used to from v!her. There was one post in particular that I responded to with the thinking emoji, and that post indicated the deference I’m talking about. I know Appel as a villager who’s super attached to her reads regardless of what the consensus says, but here she kinda just shrugged and let things happen as they did.

Also, her opening wasn’t great, and I find it strange she considers me obvious town in this game when she spent our last game together deathtunneling me for two consecutive days. We were V/V in that game and she was angy (not angry, angy) when she learned I was actually a self-resolving (no meme) village PR.

Together, these small concerns add up and make me think she could still be a wolf. That’s why I’m not putting her in my towncore.

This is also why I’ve refused to make a public read on her for a while; I didn’t want wolf!her to read this and start going against my consensus to earn townpoints from me.

I’ll sleep on it. Literally.

  1. Cream - townlean; she’s given good & clear opinions so far with independent takes, she actively interacts with the thread, and her investigation sounds genuine to me (ie lack of TMI). For the “D1 deadline or yeet D2” thing, she’s made a similar joke about scumreading Lili before (altho in this case it sounds more serious than the “Lili, Osie, scummy” song), but seen another way it seems like a reaction test too. But the main reason for the townlean is her read on me. I’ve mentioned this in the Underworld Fiasco FM spec chat before, but I’m quite easily pocketed whenever someone sees me clearly, because only town has ever done that before (mafia on the other hand just leave me alone or shade me). For example, if Cream was scum, there is definitely no need for her to bring in my wolf meta and townread me like that, if she can just easily surface-level read me like Zone and Lissi. (And her not being in the spec chat means she doesn’t know how pocket-able I am) So the fact that she’s taken the time and effort to read me, make her judgement, and post it in the thread means that she’s properly solving and reinforces the intent behind all her posts so far.

  2. Lissi/Zone - there should be 1 wolf between them, because their interaction was just so off I don’t see it happening without one party being scum (but it’s not scum theatre because both are looking bad in it so far and it makes no sense to do it in the way they’re doing so unless they’re planning on bussing and getting one of them lynched) The reason why it’s off is because their normal positions are switched; Lissi is the one doing the questioning, and Zone is the one in defensive mode. Zone wouldn’t usually be so keenly conscious/concerned about what other players are doing and just target Lissi until “she bleeds town”, and the last time I saw him being self-conscious/wary was when he was neutral in the most recent game. He’s usually pretty competitive too (or someone with a plan), so I dunno why he feels so defeated/waffle-y from the get-go. Lissi, on the other hand, feels “soft” and “reasonable/cautious” to me in a way that reminds me of scummy!Lissi in Godhamster FM. She isn’t doing any solving/notable interactions aside from Zone or gave any opinions on other players/the game thread after skimming it, and she talked a lot with Zone but it doesn’t look like she got anything from it. TL;DR Both are in their non-town meta but I don’t think both are scumbuddies (seems “too easy”).

  3. Chloe - townlean; her posts are like Cream’s to me, and her getting Pigeon to talk reminds me of my own interactions with the low posters in NUF

  4. Centuries - scumlean; he changes his reads at the drop of a hat, but the actual reads can’t keep up (ie he seems confident this time, but then he changes his read, and I’m left wondering if the “new info” is enough for him to discard his previous read). His explanations/posts seem hedge-y too, like in this post where he seems to be calling Vulg not wolf and wolf at the same time (even though it’s supposed to be a TWTBAW read). It doesn’t help that most his paragraphs don’t have periods which makes it hard to follow his train of thought. Sus vibes.

  5. Alice - scumlean; her aggressiveness towards Marl for the N0 thing and her posts about her wolfgame stood out to me the most, and not in a good way. I don’t like the way she pushed Pidgeon either, since it seemed like she was setting him up to be defensive instead of getting him to talk. Not w/w with Zone.

  6. Pigeon - null; reminds me of the null inactive/low-posting LHF players in NUF that just end up being D1 mislynches which makes me lean towards townleaning him, but I need more associations to decide

  7. Vulgard - null; at first he seemed weird, but later posts seem ok

  8. Marl - null; I’m feeling a bit paranoid about this slot

  9. Appelsiini - null; tbh I didn’t really read their posts much

  10. Silviu/Ruri - no posts, null

Not very confident about my scumleans, but very confident about my townleans. Between Centuries and Alice I think Centuries is scummier so I’ll be voting for him.

/vote Centuries @EliThePsycho and @Arctic

It’s 5:27AM so I’m gonna go sleep. Will read the thread from where I last left off (here) when I come back. (Dear God please don’t have another 500 pages while I’m gone, I’m gonna cry)

Silviu kinda feels frozen.

Though the last time I did a read like this I ended up ML’ing Eli, so yeah.

Boring, doesn’t mean anything
“Actual reads” what does that even mean, am I displaying a level of confidence that doesn’t go along with my actual threadwork? I don’t think so? Think I’m good enough at the game to find town members from thought process? :man_shrugging:

Buzzword, it’s not AI. I’m not being hedgey in a way where my townreads/scumreads can be flipped easily in order to push agenda, I’m being hedgey in a solvy way.

A) TWTBAW is a bs term that doesn’t mean anything, extremely context dependant
B) I seem to make it pretty clear that I look at the ups & downs of that post and come out with a pretty firm counterargument to Chloe calling him wolfy here
C) I literally never call him a wolf in that post
D) I don’t even call him TWTBAW I simply look at the angle he’s posting from and come out thinking it’s not wolfy

Are you trying to pad your bad read with more words that don’t lead anywhere or what

Gonna dissect the rest of the post bc at first I kinda overlooked you because I didn’t really care

Those really tell me you don’t care about solving current gamestate, you read the players but not the thread?

Marl/Vulgard/Appel are all highposting but you simply slap a “null” on them despite reading 2 of them + livethreading when they’re in thread?

Really struggle to see if you’re attempting to solve here

That’s such an easy read to make that delays the game so much where you don’t really try to look at which is scummier and just go “gotta be a wolf there shrug” which is very eh, also the whole thing is meta/up to your own reads like

eh? why?

You don’t like =/= wolf, like this is kinda townie but like once again

wtf is this solve makes no sense

Chloe is a pretty good wolf? Are you not worried about that? Whydo you have a whole paragraph on Cream/Me/Alice but thne you just one line “Chloe is town because she did something I did as town”
that’s worrying?


Silviu frozen as hell also

like if he was actively being talked about he wouldn’t have left

Psyx is the kind of player you just green/redcheck and move on

Hard to kill as either alignment derails thread that whole thing

/vote Silviu

Hard disagree. She’s so incredibly town to me right now that she might as well be Innocent Child. Doing a check on her would be a waste in my mind.

Just because you think she has bad arguments and reads from your point of view doesn’t necessarily equate to her being scum.

Just because her posting style isn’t conducive to this flowy rapid-fire mafia discussion style doesn’t mean that she’s purposefully derailing thread. If you don’t like it, why don’t you give her a chance to adapt instead of just asking for a check on her? Like, is this some sort of scum agenda to get the cop to waste checks on someone who I think is being an obvious villager?

Going into this game, I was thinking about what sort of game I wanted to play, and more importantly, what sort of cog I wanted to be in this solving machine. One component to that was being able to accurately and confidently read people from my homesite precisely so that we wouldn’t have to waste checks on them. So I will just say that I think Psyx is town and I’m pretty confident on it. I hope weight and consideration is given to my words, given that I know her a lot better than most of the player list know her.

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Meh, rn I kinda just wanna kill in LiLi/Silviu/Pidgeon and cop in Phraze/Wazza, tbfh.

None of them have really move the needle for me so far.

ok lol

I’d push Lili for the sake of entertainment, seen her bleed scum when pushed in the past in a way that town probably wouldn’t ever be able to do

She’s my n0

also yeah silviu is uh
not great at all lol
definitely fine with a wagon there

kinda just want more from the PoE atm
