[VFM] A Hat in Time Cop13er - Town Wins!

Anyways in the end, I’m sorry that I’ve upset you.


Yes it is, if you look at Duality :eyes:

Me being vocal with others is because I enjoy others’ company, it’s not because I’m desperate to get townread.

It’s not that I don’t understand the notion
It’s just that I don’t agree with it, and that’s why it’s giving me bad vibes nonstop

Either way, this read will resolve itself as the game progresses so I’d rather spend my time sorting out my thoughts on nullslots and those I’m currently pushing

That’s fair. I still have the tonelean on LiLi, but I haven’t looked at her since

Which notion?

Yes I am

Wait… Windy is in this game?

The notion that we should kill the low-posters for not being on par with the top-posters

Half of the playerlist is known for being good players (and good wolves) and it’s part of the reason I joined in the first place

So assuming that the game will be easy just feels iffy to me

No, she’s just drunk


I would like to know who started this rumor


That’s very funny

Vulgard’s green and Marl’s kinda obvtown.

So if there’s a wolf in the FoL strong players categories then it’s either in Chloe or Centuries, tbfh.

I don’t think Chloe’s treatment of Pidgeon was W/W as it feels way too convulted while W/W interactions tend to be 1-D, so eh.

Silviu/Phraze kind of fit in most worlds, and I currently have a tinfoil that if Silviu’s a wolf then there’s probably at least 1 wolf that was planning on bussing him around mid-game.

I don’t feel like we have a misclear in LiLi/Cream/Psyx?

So eh… maybe Wazza/Pharze/Centuries/Silviu/Pidgeon/Chloe would technically be my PoE for now?

Bro no, don’t be like this

My, I would protested very hard if somebody did that in the wolf chat.

Alice, I hope you’ve been reading that Duality if you want a read on me.

Most of the times I just spent watching and communicating with my wolfmates instead of speaking :joy:

I’m not reading that game.

You’re not in the PoE because you’re lurking and inactive.

You’re in the PoE because you’re lurking AND everyone else has been far more villagery than you.

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Good night, Alice. :hugs: