[VFM] A Hat in Time Cop13er - Town Wins!

I don’t think anyone would try to save W!Pigeon after Ciconia.

The entire wolfteam jumped on the CW to him d2 and they not only failed to save pigeon but also got themselves outed.

I wouldn’t rule out bussing or the wolves just not being present at EoD, tbfh.

10 minutes remain

If Pidgeon flips W then I think this is the most likely reasoning for it?

Like, there’s basically nobody here present and the only ones that are present are my TRs.

I feel like wolves are lurking, no matter pigeon’s alignment :joy_cat:

Okay, I see… thanks for the perspective, Cream!

I’d rather Pigeon > Centuries since I feel like my reason to TL Centuries is stronger ftr, so no CFD

I think I’m fine with this now, yep.

Should I vote? I don’t want to cause an early hammer since he’s at L-2

Doesn’t matter. We have like 10 minutes lol

/vote Pigeon @EliThePsycho @Arctic

If he flips town

Do we still look in lurkers tomorrow too?

I kinda feel like there’s a realistic chance of both being W/W, tbfh.

Centuries starting out strong and then slowly getting weaker kinda pinged me as that’s a fairly common trend for him IIRC as he tends to get fairly defeatist over time.

Plus Pidgeon partnering me with him kind of feels out of the blue and TMI-ish.

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Voted Voters Count
Pigeon Chloe, Cream, Alice, Apelsin, Ruri, LiL 6/7
Centuries Psyx, Silviu 2/7
Silviu Centuries 1/7
Alice Pigeon 1/7
Vulgard Marl 1/7
Ruri Vulgard 1/7
Not voting Wazza 1

Ping Arctic and Eli if there are any errors.

5 minutes remain.

I think Phraze will make her alignment clear tomorrow but Silviu’s kind of a toss-up-ish slot atp.

Probably ignoring Silviu for most of tomorrow since his fluffyness makes him kinda hard to read.

Just a thought for later: Are wolves unincentivized to bus in this setup? Or disincentivized? Or doesn’t matter?

1 minutes remains.

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I think maybe disincentivized because typical reasons aside, cop is more likely to check non-wagon voters, right?

Eh, not really. I think for Pigeon they’d probably either bus or ignore.

Saving him’s suicide.

shut up nerds

End of Day 1 Votecount

Voted Voters Count
Pigeon Chloe, Cream, Alice, Apelsin, Ruri, LiL 6/7
Centuries Psyx, Silviu 2/7
Silviu Centuries 1/7
Alice Pigeon 1/7
Vulgard Marl 1/7
Ruri Vulgard 1/7
Not voting Wazza 1

You all have 5 minutes to ping me in your card with any incorrect votes.

pigeon dies of not having the Dead Bird Studios Award or whatever it was called i don’t know i’m not good with names
the point is he didn’t get it and then collapsed and died

thepigeonnyc has been executed! They were…


DJ Grooves (Vanilla Town)

“Magnificent! Stunning! This trophy is everything I desire… on the shelf of my living room!”
Your weapons are your voice and your vote. Use them wisely.

Night 1 begins and will end 2021-08-30T22:00:00Z! Actions lock 15 minutes beforehand.


let’s throw bow kid in the TRASH and play as hat kid, the superior character!

@Cream has died in the night! They were…


Bow Kid (Vanilla Town)

Let’s throw Hat Kid in the TRASH and play as Bow Kid, the superior character.
Your weapons are your voice and your vote. Use them wisely.

Day 2 begins and will end 2021-09-01T22:00:00Z!

With 11 alive, majority is 6.