[VFM] A Hat in Time Cop13er - Town Wins!

Actually gonna go to bed rn. G’night.

Conroy complaining about the rand felt villagey

Shrug. P sure I’ll have the exact solve by tomorrow.

I’m 75% sure that it’s just those three, but I just need one more day.

getting Ciconia FM vibes


  1. Chloe - my second townlean after Cream in D1, and is actually the basis of my Chloe/Marl/Wazza town team
  2. Marl - I vibed with some of his posts and the others I’m not sure whether he’s just trolling or whatever. Chloe and Alice both said he’s in his townmeta tho so I’m trusting them on that; if he’s wolf then Wazza should be his scumbuddy
  3. Wazza - comes as a pair with Marl
  4. Appel - my third townlean in D1
  5. Lili - I disliked almost all the reasonings in her reads so far because they’re so surface-level it hurts, but her voting for Pigeon last when it was already clear he was going to be lynched isn’t in her scum meta (it’s in her neutral meta but there’s a difference in neutral and scum, and there are no neutrals in the game)


  1. Alice - My second scumlean after Centuries in D1
  2. Ruri - People were saying you were going to show how townie you are in D2 so I’m just waiting for that, but ngl I don’t really like how you just chucked all of the players you haven’t played with before into your POE
  3. Vulgard - Just here and there and kinda bland; I was planning on looking at him D2 along with you


  1. Centuries - I’ve been screaming how and why he’s scummy all this time and for anyone who hasn’t noticed, that’s more of a them problem instead of a me problem
  2. Silviu - idk why he wasn’t lynched instead of Pigeon. Pigeon at the very least had 1 scumread (Alice) and 1 scumlean (Centuries). Silviu had a ?? scumlean on Centuries and nothing else. What’s he even doing?

Yes, I acknowledge that, but so? Both of you are individually scummy and your wallpost against him didn’t break apart the possibility of a Silviu + Centuries w/w world. (If nothing else it just reinforced it)

If you actually do some work (ie scumlean/townlean people and give good reasons why) and lynch Centuries, I might change my mind.


Okay, go with me here.

Why would he buss a 0-poster for credibility? If there’s no credibility to gain imo

If I’m not pleasing you then I suppose nothing will

Ever heard of the term “distancing” before?

I don’t even have that many posts bruh, it won’t even take 1 minute to ISO me and look for it. Here and here


Distancing, bruh. And once you flip scum he can brag and say he was the first one to vote you or something.

Like that’s ever going to happen right now

Okay, inhaleee exhalee.

If you’re saying I’m doing nothing then how about you question me like you are doing with LiLi.

I’ve did an ISO on lili and I kind of want you to tell me if I’m right there because you’re the only living person that knows lili right now.

I’ve commented on vul, if you have opinions about 'em just tell me ahead.

What bothers me about you is that you went ahead to go “FOUND SCUM” and then you don’t ask me anymore questions :eyes: Unless I didn’t backread enough or forgot.

  1. Don’t repeat what you’ve already said before unless you have new information to add or something you want to update/edit
  2. Avoid saying “I don’t know” and give as many firm statements as you can (as in say “I think this is town”, “I think that is wolf”, instead of just shrugging and making excuses why you can’t)
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I’ll look into it later. Gonna skim and reply to my pings first

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A wise man once said “I don’t know” because not knowing and wanting to know what is important. And if you have seen I’ve read vul and now I’m townreading them except that I didn’t went anywhere with that read and I don’t know if I did it right

Oh actually, I’m rushing this a bit too much, you just woke up and didn’t bother to read until now~ I’ll just wait for that

What do you mean, I just woke up? I’m at work right now