[VFM] A Hat in Time Cop13er - Town Wins!

@Appelsiini Hey, I was kind of wondering what do you think of Psyx/Marl and Century and I hope my memory didn’t slip again to ask you the same thing I’ve did yesterday :joy:

Yo Ruri, I hope you didn’t forget the other stuff. :joy:


Voted Voters Count
Silviu Vulgard, Alice 2/6
Centuries Psyx, Silviu 2/6
Wazza Marluxion 1/6
Ruri Centuries 1/6
Not voting Lil, Ruri, Wazza, Mistyx, Apelsin 5

Ping Arctic and Eli if there are any errors.

Zzzzz, in the end please do not vote me guys. if I was truly werewolf I think I would’ve given away myself by now and Alice is the only one who kept pushing me constantly here zzzz

I don’t believe in her strategy to spew me as the mafia when she says she’s suddenly cop out in the open, stay with an open eye, guys :eye:

It’s fake

She didn’t


Misty TMI? :eye: :eye:

No, I’m joking

Meanwhile, Misty do you need help with reading up?

I need to go to sleep and I’m afraid of death right now as it’s possible, would you like to read me pretty please


silviu and centuries are both probably town


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appel saying she believes the redcheck on silviu or thinks alice is bussing silviu makes her unvoting instead of voting silviu very ???

i greatly liked centuries’ handling of alice d2 even though i was meh on his d1

I thought Appel’s argument here is that Alice is trying to force me being pushed

Uh oh controversial :eye:

i have too many townreads

/vote alice

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i think alice faking a red here is wolf motivated and she should know this

change my mind

mistyx psyx vulgard
centuries silviu ruri LiLi wazza

with that said i do not believe the team is marl/appel/alice, and would go so far as to say that being 2/3 would be a pleasant surprise

also question because i literally don’t know

who did cream n0

I think this is why I’d be repelled to believe Alice is mafia for this

Oh my god, they don’t even look like they’re in sync with each other