[VFM] A Hat in Time Cop13er - Town Wins!

This post in particular pinged me @Cream
It really felt excessively on the defense and I didn’t really get the impression that you said that she should be lynched if she’s still alive D3. Plus her post on Zone/Psyx felt… kind of odd.

I will say that Lili tends to be incredibly defensive as town. We just got out of a game where someone scumcased her and she got so riled up that she went on this gigarant.

I don’t see what you are seeing in regards to the stuff about Zone/Psyx feeling kind of odd. Zone/Psyx also play with her and are familiar with her, so I’m guessing that’s why she called them out.

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Marl, are you lurking? You can join the conversation you know.


Hmm, ty for the answer.

So her response to you wasn’t something you wouldn’t see her doing as V, wasn’t it?

If i have something to add i’ll add it
believe me in 24 hours you’ll be begging me to keep my mouth shut rather than complaining about me not talking :joy_cat:

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You’ve been underwhelming af, tbfh.

The double negatives hurt my brain Alice x_x

I would say that her being overly defensive tends to be >randtown. I am kind of awful at tonereading and would probably want Zone/Psyx’s input about her response. But from that post you quoted, I think it does lean town, (though I think it’s not entirely out of her scumrange).

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Okay, good to know. I thought you were shy or something idk

Oof, sorry >_<

Right, I think I’ll let you handle reading her as I’m terrible when it comes to dealing with defensive villagers because of my high-pressure playstyle lol.


Why do you say this? What do you expect of Marl?

Also if you have to go you can go.

There’s just no one else to talk to :joy_cat:

Marl in general acts more like an ultra-proactive town leader when he villages and also has highly tunnel-y tendencies.

Here he kind of hasn’t really done much and his “tunnel” on me felt extremely weaksauce and the reasoning was on a weak pre-flip which is something that I don’t think I’d ever see him doing as a villager. So far his only real reads feel extremely consensus-y such as Pigeon W and Vulgard V and despite claiming to wolfread me he’s literally just been ignoring me for much of the game as if he’s not really interested in solving my slot.

Plus, his approach to my n0 has been horrible as he should be aware of what I’m doing. I feel like Chloe’s been clearing him for the same reason we miscleared him in Ciconia where he basically just had a short burst of fire and then fell flat for the remainder of the game.

I don’t think he should be put out of the PoE.

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It’s 1:45 AM here and I can’t sleep lol.

Like, according to his vote I’m his main wolfread and I’ve been in the thread this entire time. I don’t see why he’s not bothering to real-time with me here and I don’t think he’d avoid it were he villaging.

Eh, dumb read but since Pigeon liked this vote then I don’t think Pigeon/LiLi are aligned, tbfh.

Don’t care, didn’t ask
plus you’re bald


Nobody has pushed any of my townreads yet so the protective part hasn’t applied yet
also i’m not the tunneler you once knew
i have evolved

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(this is a reference that only potentially chloe will understand i have no idea if you’re actually bald)

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I said proactive, not protective.

Also you literally deathtunneled Leafia a few games ago lmao.

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i’m just playing something else while i wait for everyone else to check in

Newcomb used a dawnstone on me and i evolved yesterday