[VFM] A Hat in Time Cop13er - Town Wins!

And by most, I mean like 5/6ths of the game.

Alice should I mention that it feels like youā€™re trying harder to prove that youā€™re a good wolf rather than trying to solve

donā€™t think itā€™s extremely ai but hey


Because you and Marl have spent the entire damn game dissing my wolf-game?

When did I roast your wolfgame?


I mean
I already said youā€™re a pretty good wolf i just think calling yourself the best wolf on the playerlist is a huge oversell

Why do you think Chloe and Centuries are better wolves than me?

also if youā€™re a villager who cares what we think of your wolfgame

who cares

ā€œI doubt you could easily pocket the entire playerlist made out of - me - chloe - vulgard - marl - appel + people ive not played many games withā€

= roasting your wolfgame?


also who cares

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the ultimate question

Why are we making this a toxic argument on something that doesnā€™t matter

Iā€™ve wolfed with both you and chloe and when i did i was definitely more impressed by how chloe played in morpho mafia

itā€™s what lead to me completely tinfoiling her in shortnight 2




albeit i do think chloe was playing at like 150% of their usual wolf strength in that game due to our sick rand of Ephemeral, Me, Chloe and Mantichora and the fact that we kept morale high the entire time in scumchat
but still

i mean if she isnā€™t going to stop until she gets an answer iā€™m gonna answer

this entire argument is semantics and doesnā€™t help the game at all
i said youā€™re a strong wolf already, probably stronger than vulgard which is a huge compliment considering his performance in the syndicate game with the omegastacked list

so i dont see why youā€™re getting upset

unfortunately for you eli has included hat kidā€™s smash moveset

so using my neutral special i will use a gun and end your life

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Because none of these people have actually caught me before?

Vulgard repeatedly misreads me, take SFoL63, RM4, and that FoL where I strongmanned Katze, and what have you. Marl has also frequently misread me except for Double Date where he still failed to convince the town to lynch me and I carried the wolves to victory, and Chloe literally asked me for a masonry before she subbed out in the only V/W game weā€™ve had. And I donā€™t think Appel would ever catch me, let alone get me lynched with her slanky thread presence.

As I said before, I have never been caught on FoL without mechanics.

The only players whoā€™ve actually managed to catch me and get me lynched in my entire FM career were Apoc, Beck, and bearsquared. And it took both Apoc and bearsquared to dunk on me simultaneously for me to be eliminated.

I can fake tone. I can fake emotion. I can fake solving. I can fake conviction. I can fake perspective. And in general I have the highest wolfrange of the people on this site. Thereā€™s a reason why people talk about Alice paranoia on FoL but you never see shit like Marl paranoia or Vulgard paranoia.

Just because I rarely rand W on this site doesnā€™t mean that my wolfgame is a joke.