[VFM] A Hat in Time Cop13er - Town Wins!

fact check time

are you hearing voices, nobody ever said that, like A) do we really care and B) marl just said that you were a top 3 wolf in this game, behind me & chloe (which i think heā€™s wrong but whatever)

like once again

why do we care

like thatā€™s the reason i quit playing here

peopleā€™s feelings

This isnā€™t AtE, but sorry, Iā€™ll return to the topic at hand.

what the FUCK

remember that game that wws had to rerand twice

Iā€™m mad

Aight, just stop talking about my wolfgame and letā€™s get to focusing here.

anyway i went to fact check you and like over half the games youā€™ve been a wolf iā€™ve also been on your wolfteam

extremely wack

youā€™ve beaten me like
3 times as wolf i think
one time i called you out and nobody would listen to me
another time you killed me n1 and rode off the shc the entire game

and the other i thought you were a wolf but was tunneling a villager instead

to say iā€™ve ā€œnever caught youā€ is a stretch though :joy_cat:

/vote Appelsiini

why appelze?

just them not doing anything? or did you actually find one of their two posts wolfy

also what makes you suspect them over lili

I HAVE USURPED THE TOP POSTER THRONE (despite doing very little)

There must always be a hyper-post king

This doesnā€™t look like genuine solving.

It feels like Appel felt pressured to at least make a game-related post after her entrance while Psyx and Zone just didnā€™t give a shit.

i can kinda see where youā€™re coming fromze

I donā€™t want to pressure LiLi as Iā€™m TR-ing Cream and according to her LiLiā€™s the kind of player who cracks down hard under pressure as V.

I tried doing the pressure shit to alexa like a months ago and since sheā€™s the same kind of person that melts down under pressure I got an extremely inaccurate read on her, so basically I just want to give her space rather than make her blow up.

Would just let her be handled by Cream rn.