[VFM] A Hat in Time Cop13er - Town Wins!

Yosh, I saw Ruri’s previous games. She feels kinda spiritless as mafia, so I doubt she’d suddenly have a confidence boost to the point of flexing in just one month. Readlists like this:

make me have some reservations tho (since she made a similar readlist in this game), as well as sheeping her votes.

I’ll get back to this when I ISO Wazza.

…that wasn’t for towncred but a defense, since some people were already saying “hey if I were mafia I wouldn’t do this, I would do that” etc.

Oops, sorry. Here:

Latest wolfgame: https://forum.novelupdates.com/threads/dota-mafia-game-24.121792/
Latest towngame: https://forum.novelupdates.com/threads/tiggerbanes-wild-ride-to-bastion.131767/


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I’ve been townstreaking so my last wolfgame was in April.

/vote clonedcheese

I don’t get this. Lili was nightkilled because she got greenchecked by cop, yes? So why are you calling it weird?? And how was I using mech-driven nightkills as an argument for my towniness???

Posts like this reek and frankly just sounds like cloned is trying to keep the PoE wide open, tbfh.

Phraze and Psyx are basically trying to sort and sift through the PoE to find the last wolf, while cloned doesn’t give a shit if the last wolf is found and just wants to shift the lynch off himself without bothering to close the PoE.

I wouldn’t call the middle part (regarding Centuries) me defending Vulg. It was me prodding/questioning Centuries, who I was scumleaning at the time. The shading part is fair enough (because in a matter of perspective I was doing that), but you’re putting your own spin into me just doing my own investigation. A hard defense would be what Appel did, which was literally voting for people who was voting for the person she was defending.

Like, Wazza was doing the same shit.

Rather than look at Appel’s spew before Appel even flipped they were trying to make W/W reads based on extremely flimsy shit which sounded more like they were trying to line up MLs rather than actually solve.

The interaction regarding Vul/Zone looks okay, but there’s effectively zero solving in any of these three ISOs and they just shade people non-stop.

I don’t think Zone’s reaction to Vul’s clearing enough to make up for it.

When you said this earlier today:

Did you mean townleaning them or scumleaning them? How did you switch from Centuries to me? (Also, wallposts are very much NAI. It’s a playstyle difference, come on)

Gonna do a couple ISOs when I wake up tomorrow.

Btw, can you give reasons why you think it’s Alice?

It’s in my ISO, why Centuries and you. Leaning wolf.

I know wallposts are NAI, but they seem pretty distant from the current game, or like in constant catchup. It somehow feels like you’re working off past content, so I have no read on your current content. Even when everyone were arguing in the game, you basically stayed out of it so I couldn’t read you. So, it’s a bit more than just wallposts.


I also want to say here that this isn’t flexing. I sometimes adopt a more aggressive playstyle. Seems more likely now that I’m in few games.

Reading psyx kinda reminds me why im not a liberal arts major

Holy fuck that was hard to read

In addition ive also read ruri and here are my evaluations

Psyx: If they are scum, they’re pulling it off well as others have described. Other than the very early TMI-esque behavior on Vulgard that ive explained and the wallposts rhat gave me headaches, most of their posting and train of thought is consistent - no obvious changes without explanation, not much outright scummy behavior.

That being said, I grt the sense from their posting is that they should be a member of my “do not read” list - their posting is eloquent and constructed enough to the point that i will see them as either alignment pretty much always. So at this time I do still hold my scumread of them, since I think they slip up a couple times, such as this one:

Not much explanation then, not much now, but still town.

Ruri: They’re doing the “townread but with no reasoning” thing but on a wider scale

First readlist contains this:

However, they havent made any comment whatsoever about cream and appel, but seems to just have gone along with the flow on those two reads.

However, they do have this going for them:

+the other side from vulgard, scumreading ruri hard d2 and pushing them

More of shading not only vulgard but appel as well, when little suspicion is om both of them


Personally wanna go psyx > ruri > whichever of alice/mist/marl is alive, in that order

As such

/vote psyx

Going to sleep thx bye

me complaining

Yeah, i know thats underwhelming, sorry
Im finding it more and more tough that ppl expect analyses of alignment whe i can barely read the posts and understand them ._.

English sux

And to ppl that say im trying to widen the poe, no i aint lol
Im just very bas at narrowing it, but im still trying :confused:


Voted Voters Count
Psyx Ruri, clonedcheese 2/4
Ruri Mistyx 1/4
clonedcheese Alice 1/4
Not voting Centuries, Psyx, Marl 3

Ping @Arctic and @EliThePsycho for any errors.

Baguette has been awfully quiet, tbfh.

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wait why are you so convinced conboy is town?