[VFM] A Hat in Time Cop13er - Town Wins!

I’m caught up and its midnight so i’m very No Thoughts Head Empty but holy shit marl i love your sense of humor

I’m glad I can’t run out of likes

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unfortunately them having not shown up yet is probably NAI since it’s their first FOL game

Yeah, when you get a handle on their meta they’re a fairly polarized player.

P sure I can get a lock on their alignment by EoD1.

Why was I tagged? I am here to confirm/deny that Cream could be town or scum? Which post are we talking about?

Why is saying that “creating a bad atmosphere”?

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I mean Cream’s experience level. How many wolfgames have she had?

So just to recap, you’re always called wolf by everyone on D1, you wolf-read 3 town last game, you’re okay with sheeping people with 1 game of experience w/ another player, and two games ago you were pocketed by a wolf because they seemed to mostly agree with your worldview, and now you want to have fewer posts and interactions?

What’s your gameplan this game, then? If you’re “keeping expectations regarding your own read accuracy quite low” (aka not confident with your reads), then you’re just gonna sheep, and when people generally misread you (calling you wolf on D1), you’re just gonna keep offering self-meta and won’t have many posts and interactions? Something about this seems weird to me, not gonna lie.

To anyone who’s played with Vulgard before, is this normal behavior coming from him?

Btw what’s threadsitting? Staying in the thread but not posting?

By “recent history of bad reads”, does this mean he had good reads before? Any ideas on what contributed to him having bad reads before (ie bad players, inactivity, set-up, etc)?

So basically, you have high expectations for him and won’t let him “have an excuse to have bad reads”?

:thinking: Not sure if this is setting him up (like preparing to say, “see, he’s wolf!” if he makes a bad read), or a reaction test, or just not liking his “attitude/mindset”.

Can we multi-quote or something here? I’m missing my wallposts already…

Alright, let the games begin

It was 6 AM and I fell asleep while trying to backread~ I don’t have a problem with faking content as a wolf, and you should know this.


Like half the thread hasn’t really posted, tho.

Rn I’m kinda just throwing spaghetti at the wall and seeing what sticks.

Maybe going with a trustfall system this match as I don’t really see anyone being wolfy rn.

I read some of Vul and Cent’s posts and what stood out the most was that my opinion on Vul’s posting was the complete opposite of Cent. Quite literally. He called out a few posts as towny/wolfy and I couldn’t wrap my head around it, weh. Will pull up the quotes as I go.

Is Vul still a polarized player
The only game I’ve played with him somewhat recently was Dragonvale, and while he kept saying I shouldn’t treat him as obvtown, he was a villager anyway so shrug

Chloe’s entrance is fairly fine here. Reminds me of a game I read a few hundred years ago or so, where Chloe immediately called out Arete by their first posts, but I’m trying not to let that confbias me

Either way, she looks like she believes in her read, is what I mean. Her standing her ground against Cent is NAI. Or should I say… =rand. (As in ‘75% villager’? Possibly.)

I also got a few nice tips in my debate club about how to be a better speaker and I will absolutely use them here

You’re going to be my guinea pigs, want it or not


You said he’s “25%+ likely to be a wolf” for being relatable, but when he says he doesn’t care and Chloe susses him you say he’s too wolfy to be a wolf? :thinking: So do you think he’s town, then? What do you think about him voting for Lili right off the bat?

These statements confuse me:

I struggle to believe a wolf like Vulgard would post like that due to him not feeling relaxed in an empty thread

Vulgard was “not feeling relaxed in an empty thread”, hence he posted that, and this means he’s not wolf? This angle is so weird to me? I’m so confused.

I think the history of wrong read is kinda the same except maybe a little bit wolfier but once again, does wolf vulgard just reveal his hand like that so early

The history of wrong read is kinda the same to what?

When has Vul EVER posted like this
It feels soo so so awkward

(…regardless of your alignment, I should probably apologize)
(I’m bad at making jokes too, and I’m sure you’re trying your best! Go you!)

This would otherwise be whatever, but Vul has a habit of narrating his own experiences and meta when he’s town afaik. So this is just weh

I’m getting ahead of myself, but I didn’t entirely understand Cent’s breadcrumbing about Pigeon. Not to mention that I’m god-awful at catching them in the first place, it was blatantly obvious enough that I just felt confused while reading most of Cent’s posts, not understanding what he’s getting at

Actually I’m totally jumping back-and-forth while explaining my thought processes, since Chloe started talking about Vul around here
I’m sorry for making this so confusing
Don’t backread at 6 AM, kids

I might just dip until I’m fully caught up, or at least until I’ve gotten my thoughts sorted out properly. Later o/

OOC: Zone and I having the same type/flavor of opening post makes me :joy:

Speaking is the easy part of mafia
finding the wolves it the hard part


Voted Voters Count
Alice Pigeon 1/7
LiL Vulgard 1/7
Appelsiini Alice 1/7
Pigeon Marl 1/7
Silviu Centuries 1/7
No-one Silviu, Zone, Ruri, Cream, LiL, Psyx, Chloe, Appelsiini 8

Ping Arctic and Eli if there are any errors.

Cute opening, town, pocket me now