[VFM] A Hat in Time Cop13er - Town Wins!

Wait, did I miss that?

Well, FWIW Appel’s vote on me doesn’t seem fake. I ain’t going to bother defending. I am already at the point of: “I want to see how I can make it worse for myself.”

You’re very clearly calling me a wolf and preflipping me as such to paint yourself as a villager, and this confuses me.

Well, this was embarrassing. Anyway

My point stands

Wait, it was Pigeon who said this.



So let me get this straight… You are using @thepigeonnyc’s preflip to tell me that I am preflipping you?

why are you quoting a post by pigeon and saying Zone said it

Where did you think this? Show your work or I’m going to flunk you


You know what? At this point I LEGITIMATELY want to see how I can make myself look worse by NOT DOING ANYTHING.



what’s the point of this
it sounds like you’re giving up

this setting isn’t nearly as frustrating as NUF’s newbie inactives

where the heck is this reaction coming from

Shhhh, I’ve just figured it out.

The “what?” still stands, though.

[quote=“thepigeonnyc, post:656, topic:89005”]

Wait. @thepigeonnyc Are you saying you’re town because me and Zone interact like a V/W duo? Which one of us is the wolf and how does it make you a villager? This take makes no sense to me.

Okay that was the fastest 180 I’ve done on a read in a long time

You can join town core zone

Thread rn is the epitome of :joy_cat:

@Vulgard what’s your read on Pigeon, and does the preflipping change it at all? If so, how?

Can you explain?

I’ve never seen zone get so genuinely pissed at being called scum when he’s actually scum, for some people it’s nai but scum zone usually agendas it instead of just being mad

[quote=“Vulgard, post:583, topic:89005”]

oh yeah Vulgard did you ever say why this

Way ahead of you cream cheese, was already typing an explanation


This question makes absolutely no sense and I love it

my quoting’s messed up

I meant like
did you ever answer

why you’d say “same” to that PoE when you were included in it