[VFM] A Hat in Time Cop13er - Town Wins!

Hello, my name is Silviu

Also Chloe thanks for the link of that tutorial.

Iā€™m refusing it still day 1
If itā€™s a wolf lynch itā€™s not good and if itā€™s a mislynch itā€™s a disaster
Especially not with cop in play we are not voting a 0 posting slot

Iā€™m going to agree with this ^

Itā€™s bad to say, but even if we mislynch a Town whoā€™s posted a lot, we at least have something to go off of.

Iā€™m not even saying we have to vote a high poster
but if we vote someone who is literally not playing the game we have nothing

Please donā€™t vote me because Alice says so

Yeah I know, but most other players are high posting lmao

I need to know how you got that read on me please

Not gonna lie, Iā€™d vote you if I wasnā€™t voting Chloe.

Wait, so why are you voting Chloe again

Based on the context on Chloeā€™s ISO, I couldnā€™t comprehend

Not stating if you havenā€™t already seen, Iā€™ve not made a case to convince people, Iā€™ve got time for that later if I want too, all Iā€™ve done currently is just made a case to discuss it with Chloe herself.

Idk what it is but Iā€™ve just had The Vibe that Marl is a villager this entire game but itā€™s been really hard for me to articulate

And his recent postings (as well as his earlier posts that show the receipts) regarding his cop cover and how he felt like it was important to solve from a genuine perspective was really really villagery

Iā€™ll need to see what it is that made him start scumreading me in the first place and what caused his paranoia to spike but I feel ok with him as sitting on the doorstep of my towncore atm

I can see how he can look performative, and I do agree to some extent, and Iā€™m kinda in the mindset of ā€œI donā€™t wanna look dumb if heā€™s a wolfā€ so Iā€™m slightly worried about misclearing him but idk

Honestly kinda same

Also with regards to the difference you noticed I think itā€™s a change in playstyle? Sheā€™s acting different from what Iā€™m used to as well but responded to me saying that itā€™s because sheā€™s learning how to communicate better - which I think is true regardless of her alignment

Cas is someone who I find easier to place down the line
Itā€™s kinda for the reason that I suck at reading her but the more people she interacts with the more confident I become in either direction

I wouldnā€™t go there d1, as I think her thought-process is more town than not, and sheā€™s someone Iā€™d like to work with as we usually have very different perspectives
But Iā€™d really like if she tried to read my posts from a different point of view

I wanna say that Centuries not chokeholding the thread and steering the discussion is town indicative of him but I could very well be wrong on his meta

Just, from what Iā€™ve seen of his scumgames in the past heā€™s pretty powerhungry and likes being in control but here heā€™s kinda doing similar to me in that heā€™s watching from the wings and jumping onto the stage when he feels like it

Weā€™re also kindaā€¦ not reading some posts because we donā€™t care (Centuries with Psyx, me with Zone) which is a meld but in a bad way lol

Iā€™m pretty sure Alice towntold

I know sheā€™s going to counter this with ā€œI have no towntellsā€ but I think Iā€™m correct on this one, and no I wonā€™t say what it is because then it becomes useless in future games

But I feel more confident there

@Marluxion did you ever do this?

Skipping ahead to realtime for a lilā€™ bit because reading 600 posts is tiring

The suggestion itself to try to vote Ruri is extremely wolfy

Appel, I also forgot to add that you voting Lili to pressure her with Zone, but then immediately switching your vote to Zone feels like itā€™s coming from town with a lack of agenda. I canā€™t really think of any strong scummy intent behind that action, except maybe to appear solve-y. I do overall think that that sort of behavior comes more often from town than scum so I guess you are more town than not town.

Uhhh ,ok

I didnā€™t but if i decide to vote you today i will before actually doing so

I love how Chloe worded herself here :heart:

Mmm, but why ya voting Chloe

Sigh, I need to learn how to backread better :zzz: