[VFM] A Hat in Time Cop13er - Town Wins!

Conroy is a good cop check

What about Vulgard? Is theatre the bread to his butter too?

Okay I really need to sleep
If you vote Ruri at EoD I will literally cry

If you donā€™t sheep me on Vul at least do not ever consider voting Ruri

I guarantee if we just leave her be she will solve herself when she either shows up or gets replaced

Vulgard is an Arete of All Trades


Voted Voters Count
Pigeon Chloe, Cream, Alice 3/7
Centuries Psyx, Silviu 2/7
Chloe Wazza, Appelsiini 2/7
Silviu Centuries 1/7
Alice Pigeon 1/7
Vulgard Marl 1/7
Ruri Vulgard 1/7
Not voting Ruri, LiL 2

Ping Arctic and Eli if there are any errors.

iā€™ll go super saiyan to stop a ruri elim

i dont even care if shes a wolf, it aint the play

sleep in peace knowing that the bird will die

If I die tonight it means the wolves are afraid of my power and my willingness to shake up the consensus, moreso than they are afraid of a cop. Donā€™t forget me

also you should explain this since Cream doesnā€™t know Arete ;p

Do it for me

dude i dont even know what you mean tho

Yeah, at least Ruriā€™s slot will eventually become readable.

Silviuā€™s always this fluffy slot and pigeonā€™s outright doing nothing. Iā€™d rather go for pigeon as he actually tries when he villages.

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ur annoying but i appreciate u

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If Iā€™m right on Vul it means my mojo is back like in Austin Powers

I am whole again

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I donā€™t know where Marl gets his confidence :joy_cat: :joy_cat: :joy_cat:


i dont think anyone knows

heā€™s an enigma



this is a joke

Still like 4 hours until EoD and I donā€™t think anyone would try to save W!Silviu or W!Pigeon as they really arenā€™t doing much.
