[VFM] Cop 13er - The Muppets! [Town wins]

Should I ping Eevee to add me onto the list or should I “in” again?


Squid inned and thinks you might have missed it

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I may as well keep killing Derps in every game I can find him.

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Btw @eevee-sama, are the cycles the usual 48/24?

Oh yes the game is full

Silently Fiddles with Title.

My fucking God why recover this it isn’t even in game





/in I guess?

Lemme roll cop pls

You can roll

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I’m letting you know this in advanced. I don’t take everything super seriously and I tend to make jokes while I play. For any of you CD users, I won’t be as active on here as I am on CD.

I was going to say ‘as long as you don’t claim Mafia’ but then I looked at who was hosting :upside_down_face:


Please send emotional questions into your classcard.

Okay. Sure.

Pick number from 1 to 13.
Each number is to some player.

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I’ma go with 3.14

Like everyone here bud


Great! For once I won’t stand out… maybe

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